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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Baking gloves

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Ok i searched and 48 pages of topics came up and i dont have the time to look thro them all. I just bought a pair of oakley maces and they feel a little bit stiff and i was thinking about baking them. How long should i bake them at what tempeture also what other things could i do to make them break in faster

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With what though?

I found that if I have gloves I find hard to open, leave it to "hold" something overnight helps... something like a bottle or anything that can stretch it...

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I've had my Eagle x46s baked @ my LHS when i purchased them. They felt more flexible afterwards though I'm sure you can't do it with every glove.

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I reckon u take the same precautions as you would baking a skate. That would suck if u get burn marks on ur brand new gloves!

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The palms were amazing when I felt them at my LHS. My dad was kinda miffed about the price, but he found them and offered to get them for XMas (along with other gear). Much nicer than the Vapor XV I tried on just before.

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who needs to bake their gloves? i say 2 skates and theyre broken in. plus what kid when he gets a new pair of gloves doesnt stickhandle forever in his basement with them.

I don't.

I do it in my family room. :D And using a ping pong ball kinda helps with speed, but makes you look down, which has a dentrimental affect I guess.

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Since I can't stickhandle indoors i just wear my gloves as much as i can before my ice session but I must say after baking it it feels really good!

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Ok, I found this topic strange when it first posted because I never heard of baking gloves. But for Christmas the warden ((WIFE)) got me a pair of easton 1300's 14" and it says on the tag bakable?? Is this for real, they feel fine why would I bake this glove???


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I bake all of my gloves...softens them up.  I even do that to store gloves that come stiff from the factory.

do you do this at the store?? Maybe i'll give it a try. they are kinda stiff. thanks

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