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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate replacement

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I recently purchased some closeout nikev12 skates from hockey giant and unfortunatly thay came defective. Hockeygiant is going to take them back, but now I am looking for a replacement. I have a very wide and deep foot. The Nike fit was good. I was going to go with the flexlite but they seem to have made the heel wider and my heel slips in the one I tried on. Any suggestions for sktes to look at. I need a 4.5 to 5.0 wide so it is hard to try a lot of skates on at local shops because not alot of shops carry that size. I normally go to Perani's in Livonia MI but they want to charge you now to try them on. I do not like buying online unless I have to. The V12's for 99$ was to good to pass up not to try.

Thank for any help


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I recently purchased some closeout nikev12 skates from hockey giant and unfortunatly thay came defective. Hockeygiant is going to take them back, but now I am looking for a replacement. I have a very wide and deep foot. The Nike fit was good. I was going to go with the flexlite but they seem to have made the heel wider and my heel slips in the one I tried on. Any suggestions for sktes to look at. I need a 4.5 to 5.0 wide so it is hard to try a lot of skates on at local shops because not alot of shops carry that size. I normally go to Perani's in Livonia MI but they want to charge you now to try them on. I do not like buying online unless I have to. The V12's for 99$ was to good to pass up not to try.

Thank for any help


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Peranis is charging you to try them on??!!

Thats BS! IMHO

I don't trust them anymore period since they put me in the wrong boot years ago....oh it felt great but now that im finally wearing the correct size its just leaps and bounds better for my skating.

I would chat with JR, hes local for us in the Detroit area (shameless plug for his shop) and he is one of the most knowledgeable guys here.

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Peranis is charging you to try them on??!!

Thats BS! IMHO

Not BS. They probably got tired of spending hrs of their time fitting folks for skates, and not getting the sale because the cheating customer bought them on line or ebay.

More and more LHS's are instituting fitting fees, of course fully refundable when you purchase skates. Absolutely nothing wrong with this at all. When customers stop abusing LHS's, then the fees will go away.

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Peranis is charging you to try them on??!!

Thats BS! IMHO

Not BS. They probably got tired of spending hrs of their time fitting folks for skates, and not getting the sale because the cheating customer bought them on line or ebay.

More and more LHS's are instituting fitting fees, of course fully refundable when you purchase skates. Absolutely nothing wrong with this at all. When customers stop abusing LHS's, then the fees will go away.

Thats actually pretty fair, and not a bad policy

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Oh, that's the height of irony. Perani's complaining about people trying on skates and then buying online.

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Oh, that's the height of irony. Perani's complaining about people trying on skates and then buying online.

Yup, ebay! They must hate that. At lease they feel some of our pain. :P

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I do not really have that much of a problem iwth the policy except in the situation where they do not have a skate that will work for you. In that case your out $20 for nothing. As I said before I would much rather buy from a LHS.

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I do not really have that much of a problem iwth the policy except in the situation where they do not have a skate that will work for you. In that case your out $20 for nothing. As I said before I would much rather buy from a LHS.

Spend a bunch of time trying on skates and they don't have your size in the model you want and you're screwed.

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whats the going rate for fitting charges, would it depend on how much work the sales guy does if its just finding the size thatd be free but if the sales guy heats the boot or stretches it out in certain areas then id understand if its abit more expensive. i know ive been burned by a few customers just wanting to try stuff on and then they get it off there friend from nike/bauer or graf or rbk/ccm

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