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Jofa 8070 Shin Guards

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Is there any Euro members that know of a shop around them that still has the Jofa 8070 shin guards? If one of you guys could purchase a pair for me and ship them over, or give me the info for a place that would ship them to me, that would be great, I've been trying to get a pair for awhile.

How much do you think the shipping will run me? Thanks in advance.

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Type in Jofa 8070 on a Google search and you'll see...

Basically more calf padding than 8060's, but less than 8090's. The area around the knee is totally different than all the other Jofa shinpads.

Actually, here's a picture...


Wow, I just figured out that they made a 9070 model also. So, if any Euro members happen to see the 9070 I wouldn't mind that model. So, either the 8070 or 9070.

Here's a picture of the 9070...


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My buddy, who plays in the O, uses this model. I guess they can get them because they work through the pro departments. I tried his on and I loved them. They just fit me better than the XX90's and XX60's.

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I'm #94, lol.

But, thatnk you very much, it's greatly appreciated.

Does anyone know how much the shipping would be? Approx.? Or is there any website I could go to to see the pricing?

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Doesn't matter then, because that's how most are measured, I forgot you're in the US, I was thinking for Euro...

Man, I wish I could wear 14" pads... I need 16" shin pads to even be able to put in the tongue of my skates... My 15's are too darn small. The guy at my LHS was astounded I needed 16" ones. I'm like 5'11" but have huge shins.

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^^^ :D, You feel my pain! Under 6' still growing but i already need 16"ers... and there damn expensive.

My LHS had like 1 pair of 16" shin pads in, thankfully they were the Rbk/Jofas, no way was I getting a pair of junk whatevers. I quickly reserved them in my box o' gear for X-Mas.

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Damn, Im 5'8" and I use 17" Shins. Those 9070 Shins look good,but its going to be like $115 US for those including shipping.Ill stick with closeout $20 Shins from PureHockey.

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How the hell do you use 17" shins? I'm 5'11/6' and I use 14".

Anyway, thanks to the Euro members that want to help me out. Hopefully I can get my hands on a pair of these.

I may want to get 2 pairs so I don;t nned to do the same thing 4 years down the road...

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I'm 5'9" and used to use 15" Jofa's. I am now on 15" RBK 8K's but have the distinct feeling that I should've bought the 6K's instead.

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I'm 5'9" and used to use 15" Jofa's. I am now on 15" RBK 8K's but have the distinct feeling that I should've bought the 6K's instead.

Why do you think you should have gotten 6k's instead? Just wondering because I just un -wrapped a pair of 6k's.

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How the hell do you use 17" shins? I'm 5'11/6' and I use 14".

Anyway, thanks to the Euro members that want to help me out. Hopefully I can get my hands on a pair of these.

I may want to get 2 pairs so I don;t nned to do the same thing 4 years down the road...

I have them almost touching the top of my foot. I find I can skate better with bigger shinguards.My shins are long as hell,18" from the center of my knee to the top of foot.

Im probably about 5'9" not 5'8".

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I'll check at my LHS next time I go to town too, already checked some online stores but couldn't find any there, will see what the local stores have to offer but it might take me a few days until I go there though.

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