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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lucky stick?

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Do any of you players have a lucky stick..you know one that for some reason you just have more success doing whatever than any another stick...

I remember buying a pair of wood sticks "Canadian" with the Jagr curve. I hated the curve and tried to straighten it out. The next rec game I managed somehow to score 5 goals and an assist...somehow the stick grew on me..

nowadays... I seem to have a love/hate relationship with my sticks..sometimes they feel horrible other times amazing..but always expensive...

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Way back in (94) Pee Wee I bought a Sherwood 5030 MacInnis before a big game and tucked four that night and four the night after.

Now, I don't know if its lucky, but my Stealth has been going since October.

Edit: I guess Pro stocks are that much stronger?

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Grip Lite 110 w/ KOHO Ozlinish or Vic Naslund blade (Switched to Nassy once the KOHO's weren't available)

I used the combo (2 shafts, about 15 blades) back in 2001, and have constantly thought of going back to it.

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My first stick was a wooden Easton Ultralite. I loved it till the day I broke it. It was balanced, lite and theres something about wood sticks that I like.. something like a bond you make with it after you play with it for a while. It broke my heart when I broke the blade on a slapshot. I bought another one, but this one had a totally different "personality" and didnt feel the same.

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i have to agree with benchboy...although i dont get too too attached to my sticks for some reason... skates though... i cant manage to get rid of a pair even when they completely fall apart or just plain dont fit anymore...

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yea my vapor xx, which i got for last christmas and it just broke this christmas. even when it broke i was very happy with it, an ops lasting a whole year is very rare

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My R2XN10 shaft that has been around since last December is my "old faithful" at this point. I'll try other sticks but I keep going back to it. I have a second one now and rotate them based on what blade still has a decent tape job.

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My "lucky" stick would have to be my Mission M-1 shaft (75) with a junior Synthesis blade, Yzerman curve. After I got used to the majorly big curve, I was able to do things I never could do. Score my first hat trick in ice, do the Michigan, many other nasty moves, my shot was awesome, and I was having the best season in a long time...until it broke....hopefully my Hex-1 will pick up the slack

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My first int synergy that is now a shaft with a franklin blade and my int responce with a franklin blade i got 30 points in 6 games in roller hockey with those two sticks.

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My stick that I played my best hockey (statistic-wise) with was my old brown Easton Ultralite shafts w/ UG blade (Shanny curve). I used that combo for about 7 years and scored a crapload of goals. Oh wait....I was also about 6 years younger then too....that may have helped. :lol:

Now since CB/MSH was born, I've expanded my stick horizons a bit, become a little slower in the legs, but my game is 10 times better than it was 6 years ago.

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My lucky stick was a Koho Vector composite shaft (if anyone remembers those? they had a special coating around the tip that would turn red if you overheated it. lol ) paired with a Christian blade that thing was a rocket launcher. Had a couple of good games with but it broke rather quickly if I remember. That must have been around 1998.

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