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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Year's Resolutions

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After reading about Chippa's angioplasty, mine are:

(i) Get a family doctor;

(ii) Get a checkup;

(iii) Eat more healthily; and

(iv) Reduce stress.

I think I'm already exercising enough and am at a good weight and body fat %, but I'll let the doctor evaluate that.

Equally important, I will try to think before responding and be more patient. :ph34r:

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1a. drop another 10 lbs (already lost 10lbs)

stop buying more hockey gear I dont really need (yea right... like thats going to happen)

1b. Change your name to 'thinwabbit'?

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I guess I'll share mine. I'd actually like to gain weight. It's a hard road for me. My metabolism likes to keep up with things a little too well.


also gonna eat more fruits and veggies.

EDIT: i guess those two kinda contradict each other... :P

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1a. drop another 10 lbs (already lost 10lbs)

stop buying more hockey gear I dont really need (yea right... like thats going to happen)

1b. Change your name to 'thinwabbit'?

Nah, never going to happen. Even in the army when I was at my best and 'ideal' weight, I never got rid of the love handles.

Based on an asian BMI, I'm still 15kg overweight.

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Stop spending unnecessary money.

Find a girlfriend.

That seems to be a conflict right there, unless you decide that's necessary spending.

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JR, found myself today watching some old home videos that my father just recently had transferred from VHS tapes to DVD and was watching my dads father marveling at my brother and myself on Christmas morning. Figured it is quite selfish if I decided to take away my parents joy, for a selfish addiction that will eventually kill me. So that sparked me to quit. Going to try and go cold turkey.

Chadd, that is why I have not had a girlfriend in quite some time but I figure if I save $5 a day on the tin of chew that I would be buying, I can just throw that money into a girlfriend.

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