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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 7K flex

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Flex chart doesn't have RBK so does anyone know what the whippiest flex available for a Senior 7K stick is? Also what would the Easton equivalent of that be?


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So the Regular (95) is the whippiest I can get? Is that Mid flex Senior shaft dimensions or no? As well, what is the Datsyuk curve comparable to?

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Thanks for the help everyone, looks like I will be picking up a Regular Flex Modano curve in the next few days assuming I don't change my mind and opt for an Adrenaline Control or dare I say a XXX Lite.

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The Adrenaline Control is $309.99 at my LHS in Brantford and I would have to order the stick because they only have Stiff flex Sundin and Perry curves last I went in. I was messing around with the normal blue version yesterday at Sports National? in Hamilton and wasn't very impressed. 7K durability is fine from what I have read and given the blade is pre preg like TPS I should like the feel. Thanks for the input but unless the Adrenaline Control is more than just a grip Adrenaline I won't be exploring that route.

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Well, in that case, go for the Rbk. The Control is just a grippy adrenaline.

You would be surprised at how many people comment on how much better the control is than the the regular adrenaline. For some reason, people just do not like the color on the regular adrenaline.

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I can't find any Controls at any of the big retailers. Any reason for this? I was actually considering getting one, it's just that I can't find one and I'm not completely in love with the Modo Clone Tkachuk.

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I can't find any Controls at any of the big retailers. Any reason for this? I was actually considering getting one, it's just that I can't find one and I'm not completely in love with the Modo Clone Tkachuk.

happy, im not the only one........

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i havnt seen ANY adrenalines in the shops around me in minnesota. i did see that hockeymonkey lowered the price down to 150 though, the vector 130 was also lowered i believe.

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I can't find any Controls at any of the big retailers. Any reason for this? I was actually considering getting one, it's just that I can't find one and I'm not completely in love with the Modo Clone Tkachuk.

Everything I ordered has been in stock when I called TPS (except for a P31 for me). They've been selling pretty well for me, I think I'm down to my last two or three.

If a Reg. is 95, whats a stiff?

I was thinking, that wouldn't a reg be a 85?

a little over 100, it should be in the flex chart at the top of the page.

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If a Reg. is 95, whats a stiff?

I was thinking, that wouldn't a reg be a 85? :unsure:

105 flex is a stiff. for the CCM/RBK system take the number of (KP x 2 + 10) then it will be the same as an easton

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