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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Custom Blades

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One of my players had a dozen custom blades made for the second time by Sherwood (once when she was at NorthEastern, and just recently ) I had the LHS send the blade to Sherwood, after 6 weeks they sent back the blades with a different curve ?

It went from a very slight (almost strait) mid curve to a heal curve ?

Can anything be done ?

I was told not !

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They always keep the sample you send as the reference blade. I had customs made from Easton and wanted my original back, but they refused.

I think its partly a way of ensuring you cant prove they faacked up!!! :ph34r:

I had 18 ordered, and maybe 6 at best were to my liking.

I'm planning to get some custom CCM V40 blades done up next. CCM seems to be more consistent with their blades, so hopefully this will turn out better.

Sher-Woods are usually pretty consistent as well. Perhaps there may have been a mixup at the factory with the sample. I'd keep at it and get the problem resolved if possible.

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From what i hear...i may like a crosby pro curve...is it possible i could tell Sher-Wood i wanted the Crosby pro curve..would htey be able to send me that curve?? Also can someone explain the process on how to order the blades? Thanks

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From what i hear...i may like a crosby pro curve...is it possible i could tell Sher-Wood i wanted the Crosby pro curve..would htey be able to send me that curve?? Also can someone explain the process on how to order the blades? Thanks

They will not give you his curve , they are very stern on that policy. You must send them a curve to duplicate.

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One of my players had a dozen custom blades made for the second time by Sherwood (once when she was at NorthEastern, and just recently ) I had the LHS send the blade to Sherwood, after 6 weeks they sent back the blades with a different curve ?

It went from a very slight (almost strait) mid curve to a heal curve ?

Can anything be done ?

I was told not !

Refuse them at the door...

I go with TPS for my customs. Always consistent, never have had a problem (except once, but that was the rep's fault)

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They will not give you his curve , they are very stern on that policy. You must send them a curve to duplicate.

That must be a new policy. When I first started out getting customs from Sher-Wood I had them make my pattern from a Bruins' player pattern. Then over the years I just made some minor modifications here and there.

TPS has also been a good company to deal with from my experiences.

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JR - Is TPS the same way as Sherwood, send in a pattern and they will match it?? Also is it possible to get tapered blades? I wouldnt mind some more information from TPS if possible thanks :)

Sorry to hijack thread...

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Chadd, do you have any information on TPS's Progam at all? Ex// pricing etc..

No, that was one thing I was going to discuss at the show.

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You were going to discuss with TPS? If thats the case, could you give me some info after that... If not im sure JR knows the ins and outs....

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Not true - I just ordered pro Chelios blades for someone.

JR, even if you just did it with the Chelios, I would be surprise if they would do the Crosby pro curve honestly, anyway, that's great if anyone can, but I doubt...must depend on relationship with the rep...

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further hijacking the thread......has anyone had any experience with long hosel tapered wood blades? i used to blow them out all the time which made me go to composite blades. but now i'm going to need some custom blades made and i'm afraid to go back to wood because of the hosel breaking.

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43% Burnt: order custom Christian blades, they'll do any curve and lie (you can send in your own) and offer both long and short hosel blades for Taper & standard shafts.

ppl's experiance with them, has been pretty good so far. And I'll take a short hosel blade over a long one anyday, avoids some of the nasty flex in the hosel itself. IMO.

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43% Burnt: order custom Christian blades, they'll do any curve and lie (you can send in your own) and offer both long and short hosel blades for Taper & standard shafts.

ppl's experiance with them, has been pretty good so far. And I'll take a short hosel blade over a long one anyday, avoids some of the nasty flex in the hosel itself. IMO.

i prefer the long hosel blades. they just seem shoot better and let me feel the puck more. plus, i could always use the extra shaft length. christian is my first choice at the moment from what i've read here. i'm still worried about getting a batch and going through them in a week snapping hosels like tooth picks. wish someone would offer a good custom composite program.

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I actually wasnt too thrilled with my christians...They all seemed like different curves and I could bend the blades with my hand....I was very unsatisified with them for the 100 I spent on em....THey lasted about 2 games for me (each one)

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