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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I was wondering that too. i checked the salming website and found out there was a store in colorado where i live. i might go check it out. there are only 2 US stores that carry them.

p.s. wingnut............... GO AVS!

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Where can I buy Salming products in the USA online?

Better than buying online, why not ask your LHS if they can get Salming for you. The more people to ask, the more likely the store will carry their products. I've been carrying Salming for 4 months or so now, and response has been very good. Not one G1 stick I sold has broken, the youths have taken to the TF1 and G1 and the gloves are cool. Plus, if you want a pant that is bar-none the most protective and comfortable, the Salming will fill the bill.

Support your LHS, not the online sites. They could care less about you. Ask them to carry Salming, you'd be surprised how fast they'd have that stuff in their store.

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and Harrow, and TPS, and Kor, and Mission. They should really be the ones getting attention, not the compaines that re-iterate their own stuff in a new color to make cash...

Edit: Well, TPS is doing fine, but the sticks need to become more popular and start kicking the XXX and SL's out of their spots for durability.

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It was a jab at Jimmy...just a little jokey-joke...

We store "OWNERS" all take a risk when we carry new brands. I've turned down so many, Flarrow, Harrow, Sande, etc, etc. Some are more appealing than others. The Salming has hit it off fairly well, others (like Flite) were DOA. Why, who knows.

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Why carry NBH when you have...Salming!

NBH, who's that? Oh I remember, a company with major durability issues.

Hey now, just the vapors leave the rest of there line out of it! :P

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Why carry NBH when you have...Salming!

NBH, who's that? Oh I remember, a company with major durability issues.

Hey now, just the vapors leave the rest of there line out of it! :P

I agree, however not ALL Vapors. The 8's (not VIII) and 10's (not X's) were excellent skates.

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Why carry NBH when you have...Salming!

NBH, who's that? Oh I remember, a company with major durability issues.

Hey now, just the vapors leave the rest of there line out of it! :P

I agree, however not ALL Vapors. The 8's (not VIII) and 10's (not X's) were excellent skates.

Yey, I should of said Vapor,XX because I know the XXX could move mountains over the XX but still need to improve the depenability.

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I was wondering that too. i checked the salming website and found out there was a store in colorado where i live. i might go check it out. there are only 2 US stores that carry them. 

p.s. wingnut...............  GO AVS!

Actually, we're up to 12 in the US -- three came on board this week! :lol:

I have high hopes for the tradeshow. Overall, I think the new designs look great; there have been improvements to the products; and we have one more year's awareness. It seems retailers will use a small portion of their yearly budget on smaller/newer companies.

Just a question of which one they'll try -- I'm hoping we're that company for some of the retailers.

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Why carry NBH when you have...Salming!

NBH, who's that? Oh I remember, a company with major durability issues.

Hey now, just the vapors leave the rest of there line out of it! :P

I agree, however not ALL Vapors. The 8's (not VIII) and 10's (not X's) were excellent skates.

Great news for me! I just picked up a new pair of Vapor 8's!

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hi sorry to threadjack but

last year about april in sweden i bought a salming stick from the LHS in stockholm.

checking on the internet for months and i still cant see any record of it existing

i snapped it tho a week ago :(

can any1 tell me if it was limited edition or prostock or anything?



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hi sorry to threadjack but

last year about april in sweden i bought a salming stick from the LHS in stockholm.

checking on the internet for months and i still cant see any record of it existing

i snapped it tho a week ago :(

can any1 tell me if it was limited edition or prostock or anything?



Unless is was earlier than a 2004 product, it does sound like it could be a limited addition, since the G1 has been orange or charcoal since I've been involved.

The TF1 was lime green.

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