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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Preffered Sticks of Defenseman

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Just wondering what sticks the defenseman on this board use and think are the best suited for there position , or is it a personal preference thing? Anyways, woods, 2-pieces, OPS ... its all good.

thanks for the input!

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Stealth, Stealth Grip, R+, Synergy Shaft/Z Carb blade, Si-Core, Vapor VI, sometimes someone plays D and he uses an Endure, I think that's everyone

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im a dman and i use XX max stick'um( main stick right now) also prostock synergy, XN10 ops then took the blade out used as tapered shaft, R+,syn grip shaft, zbub w. wood blade, sher-wood 7000.

other d on my team use, SL grip, sherwood 9950 and 1 7000 woodie, si core, vector v100 and xn10.

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On my team there a Typhoon with Rbk blade, Synergy SL, Old brown UL with wood blade, CCM Vector, Rbk 5k, TPS Rubber shaft with wood blade. One kid switches between Z Bubble with Z carbon blade, Rbk 5k, and a TPS Response

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I've used an XN10 Pro Stock, (2 of them), Sherwood SOP 9960, Zbub Grip, and Redlite, and a v120.... Guys on my team use the same as AS12 as its the same team. ;)

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i play D, i stick with the original synergys, i got a bunch of 04 models still, after those i'll stock up with the ST . i dont really like the lighter ops's out now , i dont have good control with them. and they break too easy

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unless you get into protective equipment, in my opinion there is no stick meant for a forward or defenseman...

anyway, i'm a defenseman and use a Vapor XXX Hossa pattern stick. Other D on my team use: UL Shaft with Sher-wood blade(Crosby), Vapor X shaft with Easton Hybrid blade(Forsberg), Stealth Iginla pattern, Easton Z-Carbon Woody(Forsberg pattern), Stealth Forsberg Pattern, Synergy II with Forsberg Z-carbon syn. blade)

As you can see, theres not much of a pattern.

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I use a Vapor XXX lite, i like cause i can swing it back and forth quickly when im on the pk "active stick" i guess you call it and because i like the feel. The other Dmen on my team use stealth, st grip, tps intrigue, si core, and an sl grip.

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I use Pro Stock P19 XN10s and Pro Stock 04 Darby Silver Synergys . Some on my team use TPS rubber Shaft/Easton UltraGraphite Blade,Easton Synergy SL,CCM V110,Bauer XV Combo

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unless you get into protective equipment, in my opinion there is no stick meant for a forward or defenseman...

anyway, i'm a defenseman and use a Vapor XXX Hossa pattern stick. Other D on my team use: UL Shaft with Sher-wood blade(Crosby), Vapor X shaft with Easton Hybrid blade(Forsberg), Stealth Iginla pattern, Easton Z-Carbon Woody(Forsberg pattern), Stealth Forsberg Pattern, Synergy II with Forsberg Z-carbon syn. blade)

As you can see, theres not much of a pattern.

Other than the pattern that they almost all use. <_<

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well if you're looking for durability xn10s could be a good choice. and i guess a pattern similar to a lidstrom would be preferable to a defenseman (square toe). other than that its whatver floats your boat

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My Phillips C8 XN10 lasted two practices and one game, took a slash while clearing the puck with a few seconds left.

Never had a problem with the Response Plus, used a Stiff Morrow in a rotation last season and just recently went back to a Whip Messier after having durability issues with the SL.

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unless you get into protective equipment, in my opinion there is no stick meant for a forward or defenseman...

anyway, i'm a defenseman and use a Vapor XXX Hossa pattern stick. Other D on my team use: UL Shaft with Sher-wood blade(Crosby), Vapor X shaft with Easton Hybrid blade(Forsberg), Stealth Iginla pattern, Easton Z-Carbon Woody(Forsberg pattern), Stealth Forsberg Pattern, Synergy II with Forsberg Z-carbon syn. blade)

As you can see, theres not much of a pattern.

Other than the pattern that they almost all use. <_<

Should i mention that over half of our forwards use a Forsberg/modano/clone also? <_<

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Well I use a M1 Grip with a McCauley curve. And I just got a RBK 5K Pronger Curve I'll be trying out tommorow.

The other D on my team use all two-piece tapered set-ups. 3 Synthesis Grips, 1 RBK 6K, and 1 L-2. Two of them use Drury, One other (besides me) uses Lidstrom clones, and the other two like Forsberg.

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prostock xn10, vapor XX, ccm 110 shaft w/easton hybrid blade, zbubble w/sicore blade, sherwood SOP woody, easton woody, lots of different sticks. basically no overall preference to anything

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