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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One90 skate for sale

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I would think somebody at NBH is gonna be pissed, seeing that these skates arent set for release yet. I would have thought people who were given a demo pair would have to sign some sort of NDA, No resale agreement.

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OK, im p*ssed off! Firstly a size 9 , i could get into that and with heat moldin it would be a good fit. Seccondly its a D width which i sont think would fit since im wearin EE's currently. And thirdly i just got 8090's!! :angry:

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I'm currently in 8.5D 8090's.....that's tempting. If they were 8.5D's I might be checking my paypal balance.

killthepoodle...lmao at your avatar. FSM rules. Have you been touched by his noodley appendage?

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killthepoodle...lmao at your avatar. FSM rules. Have you been touched by his noodley appendage?

It is only by the graces of Ras Pastafari that I can skate and breathe. Praise be unto him and his noodly appendage.

Oh and we want tax free status too ;)

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Nah, it's cool....it's not like I could afford them anyway ;)

Besides, I doubt I'd ever buy skates online because knowing me, they wouldn't fit my feet and I'd only be able to sell them here for half of what I paid for them!

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Nah, it's cool....it's not like I could afford them anyway ;)

Besides, I doubt I'd ever buy skates online because knowing me, they wouldn't fit my feet and I'd only be able to sell them here for half of what I paid for them!

In this case you wont have a problem to get almost the same amount back what you paid for them (when they dont fit..)

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these skates really need to be heated up to fit your feet. i wonder how he got them also thats really cheap for that skate when converted to canadian

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these skates really need to be heated up to fit your feet. i wonder how he got them also thats really cheap for that skate when converted to canadian

Its really cheap because theres still 6 days 7 hours left in the auction, and when you convert $380 USD to CDN its $443, so with the time left, I'll expect them to go for about $500 USD give or take.

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I tried the One90 on at Onegoal show. You MUST try this boot on to insure proper fit. This skate will not fit everyone. I tried on 1/2 size larger than usual. The boot is very deep, low, low arch. I mentioned my fit to Tim Pearson, NBH skate guru. He recommended going 1/2 size below my normal Bauer size! This is not the skate to buy online. You will need to try on multiple sizes to get the best fit.

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The deal with the skate is he got the skate from his brother.

Here's his quote:

"My brother was given these skates as, what he calls (and I quote):a consolation prize for trying out for the U.S. world junior team. He gave the skates to me because he didn't like them and I told him that I was going to sell them and he didn't have any objection.

There's only two bids but apparently close to 80 people are watching the auction.... These are going to get bid up a lot more than the current $380.00.

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These skates are going to go high.. they have only been up for a matter of hours and they are already up to what.. $400..

I bet they will go for +$700

Anybody else want to take a crack at the final price?

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