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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey show in boston

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Dissapointed. Personally I wasn't overly impressed with any of the products coming out. I don't like the one90's at all. They look like nike's version of a supreme...ruined the supreme line. The most impressive products there were the new rbk goalie skates. The 9k was very light. The big thing at TPS was the summit goal pad...we've already sold 4 sets of them so that was nothing big. The warior stuff looks ok...nothing amazing though.

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what about the warrior starsky stick?its red and white right? was their display small like innovatives were? how was missions new stuff as well as eastons and ccms?

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what about the warrior starsky stick?its red and white right? was their display small like innovatives were? how was missions new stuff as well as eastons and ccms?

this doesn't have anything to do with the show, just a comment about Warrior. The Starskie stick is just a limited edition stick. It's not in the 06 catalog. Its just an Inno stick with a new paint job.

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Dissapointed. Personally I wasn't overly impressed with any of the products coming out. I don't like the one90's at all. They look like nike's version of a supreme...ruined the supreme line. The most impressive products there were the new rbk goalie skates. The 9k was very light. The big thing at TPS was the summit goal pad...we've already sold 4 sets of them so that was nothing big. The warior stuff looks ok...nothing amazing though.

I wasn't dissapointed at all. Good show, not too crowded, so we could spend lots of time with vendors. There was some good stuff there.

I agree on the 190, ugliest skate to ever be made. Still, I can't believe, me a goalie, was too busy to even look at the CCM or RBK goal skates. I really like the new CCM Vector protective equipment. The Mission helmet was very heavy. Didn't like their skates. Protective looked good as usual. MIA gloves looked real nice, almost same as Eagle. Salming had some nice new sticks, pants, and gloves.

As suspected, the Shock Dr heated bag was awesome! The 6k helmet was very nice and will be a excellent option for those who can't afford the 8k. Itech has a new visor that looks like it will be a great seller.

For goal equipment, the new Vector line is nice. best feature of these pads are the adjustable knee and shins. So you can wear a 36" pad, but have the knee in the right location. They were very light. The Vortec pads were sweet too, but I'd be wary giving them any money, from what I've heard of theirr reputation, they are not dependable and worse.

The RBK World Cup sticks were sweeeeeeet! Awesome colors for those with a color fetish.

Some nice accessories out there too

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does the 6k helmet resemble (look wise) the 8k? what are some of the differences between them?? And lastley when is the helmet due out??

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does the 6k helmet resemble (look wise) the 8k? what are some of the differences between them?? And lastley when is the helmet due out??

Yes. The 6k is pretty much like the 8k except no adjustable dial and the carbon subshell is not carbon, just a plastic carbon look-alike. Very light, just like the 8k, outer shell seemed the same. Same HD foam and gel pads, and venting. Will prob retail less than $100. I think it will sell well.

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