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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What makes a tournament great as opposed to good...

I've taken on the responsability of organizing a tournament (April) and am looking for suggestions...

Any advice would be awesome...

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1)lots of hockey

2)round robin tourney then go into a knockout e.g. 6 teams, 1st plays 4th, 2nd plays 3rd. (they r the semis) then teams 5+6 play each other twice.

^^^that is the best method for doing it. plenty of hockey and stil competitive.

3)have an all star line (G-LD-RD-LW-RW-C)

4) have a entertaiing opening and closing ceremony, kids hate the boring long ones that go on forever.

5)Have plenty of stalls selling raffle tickets 50/50, hockey stalls

6) have a skills competition

7) Have unbiased referees

8) have a bit for the kids to play street hockey like at a empty part of the rink chuck a cupple of nets down and youl see kids play there 24/7.

9) have plenty of off ice activites

10) Have lots of food stalls, your staff would make a fortune!

11) Play Stop Clock, instead of 20 running have 15 stop, this is ALOT LOT better

12) Have Teams that you wouldnt normall play.

Just keep the kids entertained during the reaks between there games- this will make an EXCELLENT tounrye nothing worse than being bored at a hockey tournament(not that i am, just some players' view)

This is coming from a AAA bantam Major- therefore it is just my dream tourney.

Hope i could help

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1. Find a beer company to help sponsor the tournament

2. Have a prize for the top team

3. Good refs

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Hockey company booths...

I remeber at the start of last year there was a tournement in st. louis and at the rink there was boothes with all the new bauer easton ccm and rbk stuff. They had all the rbk gear, synergy skates and sticks, and stuff before it had come out... That sort of thing.

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Try to keep skill levels competitive within themselves. You don't want ex-pros lighting up ankle benders.

The best way to be known for a great tournament, be organized. Have games go off as close as possible to scheduled start times.

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properly paired divisions/skill levels ....is the best start....

we like the beer coupons for the bar after...

raffles are fun as well...

good refs...

usa hockey does a decent job with theirs

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nothing ended an adult tournament quicker, than when bad refs and players let games get out of hand. Good refs can make a difference. Keep it fun and competitive, but take a strong stand against goon hockey. Also scheduling makes a huge difference. I hate it when My team would play once, then have to wait 6-7 hours for game two then play another game an hour after. Set up equal breaks if possible. Gives teams a sense of rhythm.

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It's pretty difficult to not use local refs for an adult tournament. It's not like you can fly them in from around the country. Plus, since most teams are from the area, familiarity with refs can help to prevent problems with players and teams.

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1)lots of hockey

2)round robin tourney then go into a knockout e.g. 6 teams, 1st plays 4th, 2nd plays 3rd. (they r the semis) then teams 5+6 play each other twice.

^^^that is the best method for doing it. plenty of hockey and stil competitive.

3)have an all star line (G-LD-RD-LW-RW-C)

4) have a entertaiing opening and closing ceremony, kids hate the boring long ones that go on forever.

5)Have plenty of stalls selling raffle tickets 50/50, hockey stalls

6) have a skills competition

7) Have unbiased referees

8) have a bit for the kids to play street hockey like at a empty part of the rink chuck a cupple of nets down and youl see kids play there 24/7.

9) have plenty of off ice activites

10) Have lots of food stalls, your staff would make a fortune!

11) Play Stop Clock, instead of 20 running have 15 stop, this is ALOT LOT better

12) Have Teams that you wouldnt normall play.

Just keep the kids entertained during the reaks between there games- this will make an EXCELLENT tounrye nothing worse than being bored at a hockey tournament(not that i am, just some players' view)

This is coming from a AAA bantam Major- therefore it is just my dream tourney.

Hope i could help

lol all that thinking for nothing. but yea thats all great for a kids tournie

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The trick is to make everyone feel part of the action, competitions for the spectators, things to do for everyone whilst there is no hockey. Those booths where you have ps2's and xbox 360's (i don't know the scale of the event but thats an option). Plenty of advertisement, an international team would do alot for any tournament. Have decent food on site, sandwiches, soup all that jazz, because otherwise macdonalds will be taking all your customers!

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-good prizes for division winners and 2nd place, not to great to win a tournament and go home with a little skate towel

-get some places to donate stuff to raffel off

-one great thing that i seen was this digital photography company was at a tournament taking pictures of all the games, then they had a booth set up in the arena bar where you could see all the pictures on a computer screen and buy pictures of your games

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-good prizes for division winners and 2nd place, not to great to win a tournament and go home with a little skate towel

-get some places to donate stuff to raffel off

-one great thing that i seen was this digital photography company was at a tournament taking pictures of all the games, then they had a booth set up in the arena bar where you could see all the pictures on a computer screen and buy pictures of your games

LOL, a friend of mine won some tourney and got a skate towel. He thought it was rather comical, and pitiful at the same time.

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USA Hockey has been ok in the past... Jerseys... Bags... some decent stuff for winning.. But they do have TONS of raffles with labatt hocket to give away... just about everyone in the bar gets something.... that is much appreciated... I have walked away with a ball cap, winter hat, wood stick, and t shirts just from one afternoon...

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I have walked away with a ball cap, winter hat, wood stick, and t shirts just from one afternoon...

Winter hat.... Is that anything like a touque???


ha lol..

actually its like an old time hockey helmet with a Labatt logo ... very corney, but good to wear to the rink..lol

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Beer thing is great. A tourny one of our shop employees plays in has Labatt Blue as the sponser and the trophy for the champion was the Labatt goalie helmet beer pez dispenser thing :lol: plus they got some other Labatt hockey stuff, etc.

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Old topic but i didnt want to a new thread:

I was looking over the teams that are in the SEDMHA tourament and i noticed there are a few from Quebec and Ontario and even some from the States. i was wondering if any of you guys are coming down to play or know anyone that is. its a great tourament, unfortunitly all of the teams in the Midget AAA are from Nova scotia. heres the link to check out some of the team in the tourny.


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