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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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GRAF 727

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I was wondering what people opinions are on these skates I know a place that has em on sale for 299 regular 629......Quality wise are they good? Im 6"4 270 so i need a skate that can support me bauer and easton have been crap so far 1 season i went through easton ultra lites and bauer ,10 im just a beer leaguer but play 5 times a week

thanks for your opinions

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i 'm in a pair of Vapou XXX now 10 EE, not totally thrilled mind you, I've got somewhat of a flat foot and the bur's on the backs of my heel kill me in those skates I've had them for 5 months know time for a change.

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If you would like a skate that feels a little bit wider than your Vapor XXXs, the Graf 705 would probably fit you. The 705 fits similar to the CCM Tacks line. If you want a stiffer deeper fitting boot, then look at the 709. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with the Graf 700 series if you find a proper fitting boot. Graf skates have been very durable for me. I have a pair of 709s that are well over 2 years old and are still in good shape.

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I'm 6'2", 240 lbs and my 727's are plenty stiff for me, very comfortable, good quality. Thats a great buy if they fit your foot. 700 series Grafs are awesome if you find the right boot for your foot.

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The 727s are an interesting skate. Very soft and flexible in the fore-foot - right behind the toe cap, but very stiff from there back around the ankle. They are also shaped a bit differently than most skates giving them a special fit. They're not for everybody, that's for sure! They also have a lower cut at the ankle - like skating with the top eyelet undone. If they don't fit like a glove I bet they would be quite annoying.

Mine have served me well for 3 seasons, but they are starting to get a little worn out. They fit like a slipper. I would get another pair, but I might also test the waters with something else since so many new models have come out.

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I tried 727's, they had been returned by someone so I was able to try them and see if I liked them. I really didn't. I'm 6 3" 235 lbs, so not as big as you, but I found them very weak in the ankles. The boot is cut low, so they feel like noodles.

Pass on them IMO. Graf however will attenmpt to find you the right skate for your foot and body. They can usually accomodate just about anyone.

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the 709 or G9 sounds like a safe bet to me...my eldest brother is roughly your size and weight..(although a wee bit taller) and he used 709's for the greater part of his past 4 seasons.

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Holy CRAP!!! these skates are incredible...no offense but the JR guy is an idiot...these skates are super stiff! they feel like my new blance running shoes for comfort WOW!!! i am impressed....thanks for the info guys....My ankle felt loose because the eyelets dont go up as high but about an hour on them and my strides felt awsome

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Holy CRAP!!! these skates are incredible...no offense but the JR guy is an idiot...these skates are super stiff! they feel like my new blance running shoes for comfort WOW!!! i am impressed....thanks for the info guys....My ankle felt loose because the eyelets dont go up as high but about an hour on them and my strides felt awsome

If you think 727's are stiff, then what's you opinion on Vapor XXX's and Synergy 1300's. And I don't think calling JR an idiot really helps make your point.

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Holy CRAP!!! these skates are incredible...no offense but the JR guy is an idiot...these skates are super stiff! they feel like my new blance running shoes for comfort WOW!!! i am impressed....thanks for the info guys....My ankle felt loose because the eyelets dont go up as high but about an hour on them and my strides felt awsome

while your insulting him you might want to thank him for helping to create a site where you can post stupid comments like that.

727's are pretty flexy.

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i was told that the 727's are basically the 707's with a different fit, which are the most flexible skate made by graf, for highly skilled skaters who have no problems with support, have strong ankles and need a huge range of motion. either you, snipeemacgee, are under 100lbs, i don't see how you can think the 727's are stiff. i felt them in the store, they felt like it would be skating in plastic bags.

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I skated in 727s for a while and I love the comfort and the lack of stiffness. My complaint was that they never stopped breaking in.

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Snipee, we are happy you found a skate that is going to work well for you, but, to echo the postings of other members, insulting JR does not rank high on my list either of appropriate commentary for this forum (insulting any member for that matter should not be done). The info shared on this site I have found to contain some of the best advice I have found anywhere on the web or in alot of cases outside as well. Be thankful someone like JR and others created this site and be a bit more cautious in the future as to what you write.

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