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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mine was "To achieve great things, you've gotta live like you're never going to die"

kudos to anyone who knows the source of that one

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I thought you said you were like 19? If so, it should be something like "So fun I had to do it again."


and i have a november birthday, so i am a senior!

nice try tho

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Even some of Einstein's are quite good.

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet" -Albert Einstein

ehhh....he didn't believe in plate tectonics either. i guess everybody's human :P

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"I'll thank you for not mocking my lifestyle choices!"

"Lifes all about the ASS. Everyone is either covering it, laughing it off, Kicking it, Kissing, it, trying to get a piece of it or just being one"

"I hate to see ya go but I love to see ya leave"

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I thought you said you were like 19? If so, it should be something like "So fun I had to do it again."


and i have a november birthday, so i am a senior!

nice try tho

Oh. Gee. You got me. Well congrats, because you getting out is an amazing feat. Now all you have to do is hope they don't pour pig blood on you at prom.

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I thought you said you were like 19? If so, it should be something like "So fun I had to do it again."


and i have a november birthday, so i am a senior!

nice try tho

Oh. Gee. You got me. Well congrats, because you getting out is an amazing feat. Now all you have to do is hope they don't pour pig blood on you at prom.

Have you ever been featured on Comedy Central?

And just wondering, was it pig blood that they poored on her that movie?

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In the movie it's supposed to be but I thought I read somewhere they may have actually used it for the movie, too.

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my senior year all the asians got together and every single one's senior quote was "got rice?"

either that or it was a mean prank by the yearbook staff.

"this is the end, my beautiful friend" (Jim Morrison) was popular as well.

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well it was the last year of our high school. the year after the school changed names, colors, everything.

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