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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer St. Louis Curve

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I'm just curious what the Bauer St. Louis (P71) curve is similar to? It says in the pattern DB that's it's an open mid curve, but the (fairly useless) picture on Bauer's website doesn't make it look open at all. Anyone know what this is similar to in an Easton patter, or does anyone have a picture? Thanks alot.

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So it's an Iginla with a 7 lie? Thanks guys, that's good news.

It's a bigger curve than the Iggy. The Mission Hatcher pattern is the best comparison.

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So is there a consensus as to what the P71 is most similar to? I've now heard Iginla and Hatcher? I can ask this a different way as well. Is the Iginla curve more like the P71 or P88? Thanks.

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Damnit, sorry guys. I have a prostock stick that says P91 on it. damn I feel stupid. P71 is what then, can't remember

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So then P71 IS comparable to the Mission Hatcher, and P88 is like the Easton Iginla?

P88 is much larger than Iginla and the Hatcher is a clone of the P71

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So which Bauer curve is most similar to the Easton Iginla. I thought it was the P88, but then I hear the P88 is more like a sakic and not really like an iginla at all. Is there anything bauer makes that is more similar to Iginla than the P88?

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So which Bauer curve is most similar to the Easton Iginla. I thought it was the P88, but then I hear the P88 is more like a sakic and not really like an iginla at all. Is there anything bauer makes that is more similar to Iginla than the P88?

Lindros is the most similar, but it is a larger curve than Igggy.

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Some told me that the 71 is LIKE iggy but IN MY OPINIONS as a iggy user for like 2 years now... only mission have a iggy clone...(hull) recchi is close,but i couldn't never get used to the p88...look more like sakic...

again i think mogilny is close to...

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There are some extremely varied opinions on this it seems. Just from the pictures, I don't see how the P71 can be like the Iginla. The iggy is completely closed, where as the P71 looks somewhat open. The P88 might be a bigger curve, but it does look closed, and therefore more like the iggy. Any thoughts on this?

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