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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Happy Friday the 13th

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I forgot to do my Spanish project that was due today and its really foggy here also.

The only things I recall from HS spanish are:




That's Beer, Bottle Opener and Bathroom.

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I have a feeling my bitchy Spanish teacher is going to give us a quiz today. I also yelled at a girl who lives down the hall for being too loud in the elevator. But neither of those are really connected to the 13th.

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it was sunny and warm most of the day now its getting cold and foggy. nothingtoo bad happend i tweaked my bad shoulder in gym class thats about it.

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got in a big fight with some girl im really really close with because i heard she was doing stuff with some other guy and i gave her the silent treatment before school and yeah .....big mess ....feal like shit ,had a super bad shave and yeah ,just not my day

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