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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Detroit Red Wing Equipment Sale

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Detroit Red Wing's Site

Hey, I'm new here.

But anyways, the Detroit Red Wings are having their equipment sale this Saturday, May 15th from 11 A.M. - 5 P.M. @ Joe Louis Arena. They will be selling game used jerseys, sticks, skates, and probably more. They also say that a rep. will be there to answer any questions. Just thought I'd let you guys know.

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About how much will cost the Datsyuk stick?

For more information, please call 313-396-7583.

If you want to know, call them.

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I just ask it here because if someone know that, i'll save some phone fees.

You'll be on the phone with them for a few minutes, if that...I doubt it'll cost you that much.

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on the topic of equipment sales, does anyone know wen the bruins are having theirs, if they have one?

I'm not aware of the Bruins having a team equipment sale, but Chippa came across Bruins sticks and some equipment (skates) at Zwickers.


Give them a call and see if they have or can get you what you're looking for.


(781) 275-0900

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The Leafs are constantly selling things at the ACC.

As Chadd said, the Leafs have a game used stick rack at the ACC shop. They don't update it that often and there's no annual sale. When new stuff comes in, the good ones go fast. I was there a couple of days ago and it was primarily LH stuff. Since I'm RH, I didn't look that hard. From what I remember though, there were a couple of Renberg Synergies (Lidstrom retail pattern) with a strange tapering wooden plug handle and some fairly new-looking Kaberle Inno 1100's (curve similar to Lidstrom retail) with Soft Grip (someone did a review on this one I think). Those sticks were going for CDN$125 or so.

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Did I just see Kaberle 1100's with Soft Grip for $125 CDN?!?!? If anyone finds one in great condition (barely used, if at all) at the ACC pick it up and I'll buy it from you. Or I'll trade you a stick if you'd rather have that.

EDIT - You say the curve is like the Lidstrom though eh? If it is, then don't bother. The one I had was more Modano-ish. Here's a pic: Kaberle Curve If anyone sees a great condition one with a curve like this with a flex of around 260 let me know ASAP! Thanks.

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Wow that is high. I was planning on going but with prices like that its not worth it unless you are a collector.

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Ambro, the Kaberle curve is the one you posted. A few weeks ago they had about 5 of them, pretty much all perfect. If only you had bought my old one, i waited like a month to get an offer on CB then i sold it to a friend for 80 canadian. crap.

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