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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
JR Boucicaut

2006 Salming Catalogue

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  Miike said:
Jason, If i remember correctly Greg (modernice) is taking over or joining as part of SalmingCanada correct? As he mentioned anything about 'Players Club' yet?
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Mike, I've asked him twice, but I've never received an answer and then the conversation changed. I'll try to remember to ask again the next time I talk with him

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Cheechoo, I brought our blades to my friend's shop tonight to compare with other models. Some of our curves might be a smidge different, but basically they are the following blades:

Curve 11: Sakic

Curve 12: Recchi with round toe

Curve 21: Modano

Curve 44: Drury with a smidge less twist

Curve 46: Basically a square Sakic w/ a 5 lie and flatter opening 1/3 in from the toe (I mean the Sakic twists more while it opens.)

Curve 51: Lidstrom

Does anyone understand what I mean about Curve 46 and whether that describes a "name" curve?

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  SalmingUSA said:
  Chadd said:
44 is a 5 lie? uh-oh, Heads up boys.
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I'm comparing the 44 and 46 right now, and their lies are different. The 46 would be more vertical.

To tell the truth, I'm now confused what lie that would make it. :huh:

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That means the 46 is a higher lie, 5.5 or 6

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  Chadd said:
  SalmingUSA said:
  Chadd said:
44 is a 5 lie? uh-oh, Heads up boys.
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I'm comparing the 44 and 46 right now, and their lies are different. The 46 would be more vertical.

To tell the truth, I'm now confused what lie that would make it. :huh:

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That means the 46 is a higher lie, 5.5 or 6

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Chadd, the catalogue lists the #44 with a lie 5 and the #46 with a lie 5.5. That's what prompted by question to Jason. Combining Jason's description with the info in the catalogue, the #44 is a Drury with less twist and a lie 5, aka "a dream blade"! Man, I can't wait 'til July!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  Cheechoo said:
Chadd, the catalogue lists the #44 with a lie 5 and the #46 with a lie 5.5. That's what prompted by question to Jason. Combining Jason's description with the info in the catalogue, the #44 is a Drury with less twist and a lie 5, aka "a dream blade"! Man, I can't wait 'til July!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Actually, I have the TF Evolutions with 44 curve in stock. Ask your LHS to call me.

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  Eazy_b97 said:
The 46 sounds like a Shannahan to me. The 44 sounds like my customs.
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I'll try to compare the 46 with a Shanny next time I'm at the shop. My friend was busy sharpening, so he didn't have a lot of time to help, and the sad truth is I'm not the most knowledgeable about other blades.

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  SalmingUSA said:

Contact Christian Groß at create-sports@aon.at. His company is the distributor for Austria, Germany and Switzerland. He brought along his German salesmen to the Boston tradeshow, and they said they're starting to gain momentum in getting more shops to carry the products. I also met Hoppe -- what a character! -- and he said he's carrying Salming sticks in his shops.

By the way, the TF Precision is a new model for 0607, so I don't think you'll see it until around July.

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Thank you for the heads up, Jason.

Did you meet Hoppe Sr. or Jr.? I think it´s now the 3rd generation running the business. They´ve been in it since I know hockey but last time I ordered from them it was a Chimo stick so that tells a story :D I´ll give it a try.

Thanks again.

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  SR27 said:
Did you meet Hoppe Sr. or Jr.? I think it´s now the 3rd generation running the business. They´ve been in it since I know hockey but last time I ordered from them it was a Chimo stick so that tells a story :D
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Hoppe was around 50-55 and he was quite a character. He bought a leather Maple Leafs jacket for his Harley. Then he told us he had three houses in Germany, Switzerland and Brazil -- to enjoy the atmosphere of Mardi Gras, shall we say?

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Jason: I'll be checking out the track suits for sure.

You mentioned the Evolution Taper shaft had 2 grips, one smooth and the other sandpaper. One of my teammates has a TF10 shaft and it's a very rubbering/grippy surface, guess it's an entirely third grip.

Like the sound of the smooth (very slight grip) surface, how long is the taper compared to other brands?

And how those the taper blade/shaft combo compare to the Evo Ops? (guessing it's comparable to last years Evo, and not the new one, since it's been changed slightly the season)


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  Patrick67 said:
Jason: I'll be checking out the track suits for sure.

You mentioned the Evolution Taper shaft had 2 grips, one smooth and the other sandpaper. One of my teammates has a TF10 shaft and it's a very rubbering/grippy surface, guess it's an entirely third grip.

Like the sound of the smooth (very slight grip) surface, how long is the taper compared to other brands?

And how those the taper blade/shaft combo compare to the Evo Ops? (guessing it's comparable to last years Evo, and not the new one, since it's been changed slightly the season)


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1) I'm quite confident you will like the tracksuit.

2) Yes, the Evolution has a different grip than the TF10, which is very grippy. Again, I think the best description is a smooth "grip."

3) I didn't have the opportunity to visit other booths at the tradeshow, so I'll have to compare the taper when I visit shops in the next few weeks.

4) Actually, Rikard told me they didn't change anything on the Evo, since it was introduced so late in the year. Having said that, my recollection is it was supposed to be 435 gm, yet now it's 465 gm while the Precision is 435 gm. However, I could have misunderstood.

Regarding the combo, it appears to be the same production design as the OPS. However, the color combo is a bit disjointed, so Rikard said we can easily change the blade's color to transition into white prior to production.

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I also seemed to recall the Evo OPS was listed as 435g.

The Blades are 145g (and durabillity on salming comp blades is pretty good from what I've heard Chadd mention) so I definantly be looking into those.

Guessing the shaft is around 320 then (if the Evo is 465), when will you get into the shop on find out?

Black and yellow track suits mmm... B)

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  Patrick67 said:
The Blades are 145g (and durabillity on salming comp blades is pretty good from what I've heard Chadd mention) so I definantly be looking into those.
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Yes, but we're using a new design with lighter materials this year. Hopefully, the durability is comparabe.

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