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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim Bob

A very interesting interview with Modano's trainer

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I've been working with Mike Modano, captain of the Dallas Stars hockey team, since the beginning of March, 2005. His work with me, as with all my athletes, is a combination of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. His program includes specific training and homework assignments in all those areas.

If you follow hockey at all, you'll be able to see a very big difference between his performance for the year or two before seeing me and his performance this season. He's been interviewed about "the changes" many times now.

There is some really deep stuff in here.

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Thanks for the link, it was a good read. A lot of what he says is true, eating junk food, etc. What I found interesting was the reactions from the posters after the interview posting.. very mixed. Some celebratory, and some declaring him the Scientology of fitness.

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Poor Mike. He could've saved the money he's paying by remembering when his mom told him to eat healthy, excercise and get lots of sleep.

Don't the Star's have athletic trainers, nutritionists, etc.?

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if it were a video, I'd be expecting "no..but I just saved a lot of money on my car insurance" tag line

it was a good read..I think he's right in that different things work for different people..if this is what it takes for Modo to put up points..as long as he doesn't go gentle into that good night with a long flowing robe and a shaved head..i'm all for it..

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