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Sakic Curve

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Hey guys.

I've been using an Yzerman for the last 10 years, but lately want to switch, as I think my overall game and style has been changing. I did alot of reading about lies of the blade, and which curves are better for certain styles and such.

I like to stickhandle and skate with my blade/stick away from my body. I've read that a lower lie (such as a 5) would be better. The Yzerman is a 6 I believe. Also, I've been taking alot more snap shots and wrist shots now. I'd say I shoot 50% snap, 45% wrist, and 5% slap shots. I've been told that the Sakic curve is great for this as well.

Any good experiences with the sakic here? I'm a little nervous to switch, but I'm always open to finding the best thing for my style and game.


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the sakic isnt bad considering u were using an yzerman before, but ya i would give the drury a shot as well for the sakic i use both, and the drury is good for a quik fast rising ascurate shot and the sakic is good for stickhandling and controle but dont get me wrong the drury is just as goos also by a hybrid blade try em out and see its cheap and a good way to see which one is better

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Also, I looked at the forsberg/modano, and it's a 5 lie, while the sakic is a 5.5 ....huge difference? I'm kind of meh on using a heel/mid. What do those work well for?

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the drury would be difficult to get used to coming from an Yzerman. The sakic wouldn't take too much getting used to though on the other hand. The sakic has a 5.5 lie while the yzerman has a 6 so you might find that a lower lie is better for you if you carry the puck far ahead of you.

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I went to a Sakic/Rafalski/Naslund a couple months ago after using the Modano for a while..find it easier to get shots up from closer in with the open face at the front..

one thing I have to adapt to is it has a bit of a rocker at the front..so I need to pay attention when receiving passes/stickhandling at times..

I like it ..but recently switched to the P10/Gagne...on a XXX..like the curve..but feels just too long...so going back to the Naslund tonight...if only they still made the P103!!

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I went to a Sakic/Rafalski/Naslund a couple months ago after using the Modano for a while..find it easier to get shots up from closer in with the open face at the front..

one thing I have to adapt to is it has a bit of a rocker at the front..so I need to pay attention when receiving passes/stickhandling at times..

I like it ..but recently switched to the P10/Gagne...on a XXX..like the curve..but feels just too long...so going back to the Naslund tonight...if only they still made the P103!!

P103 = Lehtinen?

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Is there a huge difference between 5 and 5.5 lie? The heels on my blades are really worn, indicating I ought to be at a lower lie...but how much lower? The Forsberg/Modano's are 5's.

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Is there a huge difference between 5 and 5.5 lie? The heels on my blades are really worn, indicating I ought to be at a lower lie...but how much lower? The Forsberg/Modano's are 5's.

I have a really hard time using anything higher than a 5.

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Can you comment on the Forsberg/Modano's Chadd? Any experience?

It's the only retail curve I can really use. It works for me and does everything I need it to do, but the reality is that cure doesn't matter to me nearly as much as the lie.

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i used to use shannys, but found the heel wore away very fast, and decided to go to modo and loved it, the lack of a big curve took some getting used to, but one I got used to it it was no problem, now the wear is more around the middle of the blade, i find that i can catch passes a lot better

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I've been stuck on the Modano for the past couple of years. Tried out the Shanny and it was too long and didn't like the curve overall. Tried out the Yzerman curve and it was a bit too hooked, you could catch fish with that thing. I like the modano as you still have a really good backhand and it keeps the puck nice and low on slappers. Puck handling is a breeze with that curve, but I'm going to start experimenting with the Sakic/Naslund curve in a couple of paychecks.

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the naslund curve is great...go for that one

ive been using a modo pretty much for as long as i can remember..used a nassy once and was hooked, shots and stickhandling were a breeze easier :rolleyes:

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Got to the pro shop tonight and compared the sakic to the forsberg. I like the slight mid of the sakic, but the 5.5 didn't look as comfortable as the forsbergs 5 lie. I'm kinda leary on the mid/heel though. Is it still good for snap/wrist shots?

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I like my snap shots, wrist shots, and basically everything better using a small heel curve vs. the yzermans I used to. The drury is a filthy good curve for snap shots, much better than the big bannanas.

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I like my snap shots, wrist shots, and basically everything better using a small heel curve vs. the yzermans I used to. The drury is a filthy good curve for snap shots, much better than the big bannanas.

I saw the drury tonight too. That's a nice curve.

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I find the sakic a little under par for stick handling, maybe the loft is mentally bothering me. Also, the loft on the toe botehrs me when trying to do toe drags and what not. I find the sackic great for snapshots. My personal favorite is the yz junior. A 6 lie, small, even lofted, mid-toeish curve. Very little curve. Absolutely love it but nothing comparable in a senior stick in the same lie.

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I find the sakic a little under par for stick handling, maybe the loft is mentally bothering me. Also, the loft on the toe botehrs me when trying to do toe drags and what not. I find the sackic great for snapshots. My personal favorite is the yz junior. A 6 lie, small, even lofted, mid-toeish curve. Very little curve. Absolutely love it but nothing comparable in a senior stick in the same lie.

Good input.

I'm looking for something in a 5 lie. I'm using a 6 lie right now, and the heels on my blades are looking like they went through hell. The Forsberg/Modano looks perfect, but I don't know if many people are being productive with it.

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I like the Modano curve. It doesn't have a particular strength, but it is a good all around curve. I'm a defenseman and I find that shots are easier to control than when I used to use a Sakic. I take mainly snap and slapshots(when i have the space!) and the large sweet spot of the modano works well for me. Wrist shots are easy to control as well.

That's weird I found that the Sakic was one of the best stickhandling curves that I've used. And I've used recchi, modano, lidstrom and a drury.

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I'm wondering how much harder it is to make shots accurate with a forsberg/modano than an Yzerman. Obviously it takes time to get used to, but I wonder if the switch is ALOT different. I generally have no problem getting my wrist/snap shots in the air (obviously, since an Yzerman is very closed) so I don't need too much loft. Do you have to shoot the puck from a different position on the blade using a mid/heel?

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I'm wondering how much harder it is to make shots accurate with a forsberg/modano than an Yzerman. Obviously it takes time to get used to, but I wonder if the switch is ALOT different. I generally have no problem getting my wrist/snap shots in the air (obviously, since an Yzerman is very closed) so I don't need too much loft. Do you have to shoot the puck from a different position on the blade using a mid/heel?

I kind of found that my technique improved when I went from a mid/mid-toe (Shanny) to a heel (Lemieux). The curve in the toe no longer did all the work for me, and I actually had to follow through like I was supposed to! It could just be me, but I think a heel curve like the drury or lemieux almost forces you to shoot correctly.

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I have been using the sakic curve for about the last 3 years and I think that it is the best curve out there for stickhandleing. It is also way easier to stickhandle with the sakic curve if you cut about 3/4 in. off of the toe, but that is just what I do and it has been working out really well.

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I think it all has to do with preference. I learned how to toe drag with a hatcher blade and it is a slight mid and an almost even face, as well it is short from heel to toe. I kinda seem to dangle better and what not with a somewhat shorter blade too. THe loft is wonderful for snappers but, if you want it low you HAVE to follow through low. In general, I like slight toe curves and slight loft if any at all. Coming from an yzerman, my guess would be that you have to start exagerating your follow thru's etc to be able to shoot with it well in the beginning. I tried a small hell wedge a couple months ago I just dont like it for stick handling. I couldnt really get used to it shooting wise either, but passing( especially sauer) was amazing. I think that you might want to try an iginla or something similiar so you are not going from an extreme mid to a anorexic heel, rather i think the change from an extreme mid to a slight mid would be much easier and effective.

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