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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Stealth

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the easton catalog is in the 2006 catalog reviews at the top of this forum....the 06 stealth is in there. if it was black and faded into blue at the bottom it was probably just a USA stealth.

edit: mack beat me

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Cam Barker of the Medicine Hat Tigers in the WHL uses one. I noticed it first at World Juniors. Here are the best picks I can find of his Stealth CNT Grip:





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that over head shot of richards is a pretty cool photo. wonder how they did that... sky cam?

In the St. Pete Times Forum there are catwalks criss crossing the ice up near the roof. At a game a few years ago a buddy and I got pretty drunk and were in the stair well up near the third level having a smoke.........a guy comes out of this weird door raised up off the floor.......I stick my foot in the crack and after the guy disappears we go in......real steep stairs and the next thign we know we are up on those catwalks, enjoying a great view. Freaking amazing view. Anyhow we decided not to linger and as we got to an edge by a tv camera the operator tells us which stairwell to go down.....becuase security was coming up the other one....nice of hm =)

Great night, lightning blasted the canes that night too.

Edit: Looks like that was an away game, but most big arenas have the same style catwalks.

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are the new stealths any stronger than the old ones? I love mine, but have a feeling its about to break and don't want to buy anymore if they aren't improving the durability.

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