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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom skates

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Why on earth would you spend $600 for custom fit xxx,s. Because they are the lightest skate out there right. Well guess what cougarscaptain87, they arn't the lightest skate out. The bauer ONE90's are. Plus stock they are the same price as you customxxx but 5x better.

I dont know how you can say the Supreme One90 is 5x better than Vapor XXX's when you havent worn the One90 and most likely not even the Vapor XXX. Nobody has used the Supreme One90 skate yet and alot more people have used the XXX's. Its all personal preference. Your post makes you sound like a childish 12 year old.

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Why on earth would you spend $600 for custom fit xxx,s. Because they are the lightest skate out there right. Well guess what cougarscaptain87, they arn't the lightest skate out. The bauer ONE90's are. Plus stock they are the same price as you customxxx but 5x better.

I dont know how you can say the Supreme One90 is 5x better than Vapor XXX's when you havent worn the One90 and most likely not even the Vapor XXX. Nobody has used the Supreme One90 skate yet and alot more people have used the XXX's. Its all personal preference. Your post makes you sound like a childish 12 year old.


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Why on earth would you spend $600 for custom fit xxx,s. Because they are the lightest skate out there right. Well guess what cougarscaptain87, they arn't the lightest skate out. The bauer ONE90's are. Plus stock they are the same price as you customxxx but 5x better.

The one 90's arent even out yet so how could you even say that. Plus it is like comparing apples to oranges. And don't worry im sure the Vapor 40's will be 10X better then the one 90's :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Why on earth would you spend $600 for custom fit xxx,s. Because they are the lightest skate out there right. Well guess what cougarscaptain87, they arn't the lightest skate out. The bauer ONE90's are. Plus stock they are the same price as you customxxx but 5x better.

the entire point on getting custom skates is becasue i want them to fit PERFECTLY on my feet. its my money so i dont really see why you find it necessary to criticize me on how i spend it. also i like the idea of being able to change what i want. another reason why im geting the XXX's is becasue i like that skate and i cant fit into a retail. also the One90's arent out yet as mentioned, and i dont know about you but i have had the oppurtunity to try them on and i dindt like the way they felt so i went with the XXX's.

and i believe miiike is right when he says you sound like one of the 12 year olds who are on here just starting hockey and they think that everything brand new is the latest and greatest stuff on the market.

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Why on earth would you spend $600 for custom fit xxx,s. Because they are the lightest skate out there right. Well guess what cougarscaptain87, they arn't the lightest skate out. The bauer ONE90's are. Plus stock they are the same price as you customxxx but 5x better.

the entire point on getting custom skates is becasue i want them to fit PERFECTLY on my feet. its my money so i dont really see why you find it necessary to criticize me on how i spend it. also i like the idea of being able to change what i want. another reason why im geting the XXX's is becasue i like that skate and i cant fit into a retail. also the One90's arent out yet as mentioned, and i dont know about you but i have had the oppurtunity to try them on and i dindt like the way they felt so i went with the XXX's.

and i believe miiike is right when he says you sound like one of the 12 year olds who are on here just starting hockey and they think that everything brand new is the latest and greatest stuff on the market.

buddy, your dropping 600 bones on skates for bantam hockey, calm down there turbo. Why spend that when you say a retail doesnt fit you? get a skate brand that fits, not that appealing to the eye.

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cougarscaptain87 skated on ONE90 at the MSH skate and it didn't work for him. Plus, I couldn't get him ONE90 right now anyway.

I don't understand why you guys are bashing him on it. If he wants to do it and has the money and resources to do it, then that's his prerogative.

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ill tell you why JR.

I hate going to wathc kids or going to shinny and see kids with the best equipment. For example, during break i went ot shinny with vapor xxs, a rusted jofa cage, beat up pants, the shittiest pair of franklins that you've ever seen, and a harrow shaft with chrsitian blade. I stepped on the ice with every guy laughing at me, even with my team practice jersey on. But when the game started and i sent every kid packing, they shut up quick.

kids on this board living the dream when they play JV in high school, huge tools. You guys need to get in line with reality.

this cougar kid gloats about his 45 xxx lites and his crazy xxxs skates, where I hear he plays busch league.

so as a public service announcement, best equipment doesnt make you the best player.

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yglod11- i dont really know what i ever did to piss you off enough to criticize my every move. you say i gloat about my sticks, but its in a forum called "show it off" some people are interested in what other people have so i let you guys know. also ive been working hard to make my money and i can spend it however i want. jr is my proof that im getting something that i need and im not just doing it to do it. when i post things on this website it is meant for people who asked for the imformation, not for people like you who are clearly jealous or something to critique it. and just becasue i play jv hockey dosent mean im any less of a hockey player then you are. arent we all supposed to be in the same "family". regardless if your pro, college, high school, house, or beer league were all hockey players so whats the point of going against eachother? and then your whole little whine about shinny didnt really make sense, you criticize me for getting XXX's but you have XX's which you probally got right when they came out because they were the new thing. i also have a rusty old jofa cage. the stick you use is all personal preference so i dont see why you would care about that. you should have seen my pants before i got team pants, i had a whole 4 inches long in it and that didnt bother me. and gloves are gloves you like what you like once again preference.

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wahtever man, were all hockey players in the same family if you ask me so im just gonna drop it but if i was you id ease off people a lil bit, you come off a little harsh wether you meant to be or not thats your decision.

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havent had much time in the last days due work and organizing my birthday party, but what i wanted to know with this thread was, when you go custom (your width, length, depth, etc...) why should you pick an old Vapor 10 over a Vapor XXX or why should you go with a Mission instead of a CCM, for us retail-skate-customers its important which brand we take, because of the brand specific fitting details/ways, but when you get a fully customized skate, the brand should be unimportant. Maybe the look could be a fact.

As i said i work for a DEL Club and all the players got custom skates. A lot of XX, XXX and Supremes, but one guy got the old (but damn good) Vapor 10 and i couldnt explain myself why he got those over some XXX or someother skate. Sure, PP, but there must be another reason.

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ill tell you why JR.

I hate going to wathc kids or going to shinny and see kids with the best equipment. For example, during break i went ot shinny with vapor xxs, a rusted jofa cage, beat up pants, the shittiest pair of franklins that you've ever seen, and a harrow shaft with chrsitian blade. I stepped on the ice with every guy laughing at me, even with my team practice jersey on. But when the game started and i sent every kid packing, they shut up quick.

kids on this board living the dream when they play JV in high school, huge tools. You guys need to get in line with reality.

this cougar kid gloats about his 45 xxx lites and his crazy xxxs skates, where I hear he plays busch league.

so as a public service announcement, best equipment doesnt make you the best player.

in some places jv hockey is really competitive!!!!

and also you say playing jv hockey isnt living the dream??

i realize it isnt the highlight of most careers, but to some it may make them very happy. hockey is hockey, no matter where you play, or what you skate on! so come on man, dont crush peoples dream.

for some reason i think i heard michael jordan wasnt picked for his high school basketball team freshman year! so how do you know that someone might not grow a few inches, gain some speed and may make a great hockey player?

and eqipment is pp, im sure some pro players would even want to play with some old missions or older equipment, but dont because they want to be "fashionable". if a parent will buy there kid expensive equipment, let it be! or if a person works hard for their money, let it be!

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