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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom MIA gloves

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For those of you that ordered MIA gloves, could you answer a couple of questions:

1) Did you order directly from MIA or your LHS?

2) What palm did you choose? It's really an almost bewildering choice.

3) Tufftek or Carbon? Which did you pick and how are they holding up?


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1) Directly from MIA. LHS doesn't carry them and wife wanted to get me custom gloves for Christmas.

2) Microvent Kangaroo

3) Tufftek. I don't have any feedback on durability of Tufftek as I don't have the gloves yet. I picked Tufftek as I like the increased flexibility of nylon gloves. My most recent gloves were nylon M-1 Pros (CB Edition), and Vapor XXXs. I liked both gloves in nylon so why mess with the formula?

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I ordered direct from them via phone and email and they were very helpful. They should be here soon.

My order


2.micronash palm

3. foam va80


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1-I went there directly since i live not far and Michel (the owner) invited me to come and show me the place.

2-Mine is Microvent Kangaroo (special color they only had like 2 yards) blue

3-Carbon.And so far i played almost 50 games with them and they still look like new seriously.

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Smith.....i think your shane.....just thought id throw that out there. Yeah i got mine at hockey stop...fully custom. I got tufftek with the black mustang palm......its not a choice on the web site but if your print out the sheet and right it on there they will give it too you. Its the same thing as Eagles Mustang palm. The tufftek is the easiest to break in and i think its the lightest. i have all tufftek and then i have my stripes in the classic leather.

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MissConduct, how much did the actual gloves cost? and then the shipping to B.C. Canada, if anyone in B.C. on MSH has gotten any, how much was the shipping?

If I got Mia's I'd get carbon (navy,red, white) and can you get 15" in any model?

and the Microvent digital, what do all of the palms compare too? does the Microvent digital compare to the palm on the Vapor XX's?

And what foam is better? I'd probably get the Trilam Pro Package

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i ordered the new york rangers color scheme MB22's thats on page 7 of there catalog in tufftek (nylon) with the grey micro nash palms and my last name embroidered. mine came out to $179.99 plus $15 for shipping. the guys that work there were very friendly and easy to deal with. as soon as i told them i wanted the rangers pattern from there catalog, the guy said you must have seen the gloves on modsquad.

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Sorry if this is dumb, but where is Mia made? Canada or USA? and what city? I would really like to order a pair of these gloves

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So it's around 180 canadien dollars depending on what you get. How long have people waited for these gloves? Whats the customer service like?

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I am a bit of a traditionalist. These are the MB33 longer cuff version. Took about 3 weeks. I will say the service was the best I ever dealt with. They worked very close with me through phone calls and emails. I find theses gloves so light. I am very happy with them and a big thanks to michel he helped ease my concerns about buying online and not trying it on before hand.






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I got mine yesterday (I will post pics soon). I ordered mine with the VA80 foam, lock thumbs, and poly inserts. I think my order was placed January 3rd so it took about 3 weeks from order to delivery.

I haven't tried the gloves out yet but they seem to be comfortable and have great flex. The only problem I have with them is my number was supposed to be embroidered on the thumb piece but they must have forgotten to add it. I am contacting them about it today. I think my wife paid $214 US total for everything that was done to them and that included shipping.

Quite pricey but they are custom.

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