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Taking the blade out of an XN10

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hey, i got my xn10 caught in the boards and the toe has gone soft, so i'll need to turn it into a shaft quite soon!

so basically i just want to know how to do it. I think you just need to heat it up and pull it out, but where abouts do i heat it? im quite new to turning OPS's into shafts.

and also how long should i heat it for? i have a heat gun. and will it be a tapered shaft?

pics would be great!

Thanks, Ash

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If you pull the blade out, it will be tapered. You should be able to see the two ridges in the bottom of the shaft. The bottom is the insertion point, the top is the top of the hosel. Heat up everything in between here. No idea on how hot though. I'd say until you can pull it out. You may need to cut the paint a little.

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you find the fuse point. cut it a bit, not to much well enough so you can just break the fuse point the you heat it, dont over heat it it cuz its gonna break ur shaft once you find its hot enough, put ur foot on top of the blade hold the shaft and pull upward with the shaft and push down with ur foot, dont go insane with ur foot thow cuz ull snap the blade just if you cut it right, and you didnt over heat it,its gonna slide out like a normal blade, ive done this over 10 times now and every time was a succes

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if you look carefully you'll be able to see a line where the blade meets the shaft. Also, I think if you have a table clamp it would be a safer idea rather then using your foot. Nothing against you top, but some people may not have that much experiance like you do and it would be a shame for anyone to crack their shaft.

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Also im pretty sure you dont have to cut anything. If you just heat up around the fuse point and then use the table clamp it should come out. AS12 did this and his is like a perfect tapered shaft. No cutting needed.

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I was saying to cut to brake the outer coat of paint. Make it easier.

as miike mention i did this with no problems. as for the paint i could see the fuse line and just too and exacto knife and went over the fuse line on all sides.

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you find the fuse point. cut it a bit, not to much well enough so you can just break the fuse point the you heat it, dont over heat it it cuz its gonna break ur shaft once you find its hot enough, put ur foot on top of the blade hold the shaft and pull upward with the shaft and push down with ur foot, dont go insane with ur foot thow cuz ull snap the blade just if you cut it right, and you didnt over heat it,its gonna slide out like a normal blade, ive done this over 10 times now and every time was a succes

is this for both retail and pro stock sticks ?

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Also im pretty sure you dont have to cut anything. If you just heat up around the fuse point and then use the table clamp it should come out. AS12 did this and his is like a perfect tapered shaft. No cutting needed.

how about asking a friend/someone to pull on the blade and you pull the other end ? Not everyone has a table clamp.

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thanks guys, doesnt seem like i should have too many problems with this, ill let you know when i do it!

once again, thanks for your help, theres not many people you can ask about things like this in england!

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nope the only sticks that i find the easiest to do is TPS and like the kinda cheap OPS, and well yah i worked at a LHS for 4 months last year and my job was to take the blades out, it works really well for me but it did take a few tries to get it right on. And easton, you if you want to waste ur time trying to get it out wow ur gonna have a field day with that its like bear hunting in the winter man, you need to cut it off like you put a normal size blade beside it, and cut it there and grind one side off go slowly and just chizzle the rest off

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how about asking a friend/someone to pull on the blade and you pull the other end ? Not everyone has a table clamp

it would be pretty dangerous, you guys could both go flying when it comes out.

but if you do it, video it, cause you could win some $ on americas funniest video

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Good thread. The toe of my blade is splitting. Maybe one or two more games left in it.

That's the biggest problem that I have with newer TPS blades

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i dont know about gear hockey, i would say yes unless you know its a monocomp stick (all one peice not fused) the triflex doesnt work i dont know why ive never gotten it out, and the vapor X yes it does work, and as for me flying around when the blade comes out, it slides out lol it doesnt fly out unless you have a defaultive stick

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how about asking a friend/someone to pull on the blade and you pull the other end ? Not everyone has a table clamp

it would be pretty dangerous, you guys could both go flying when it comes out.

but if you do it, video it, cause you could win some $ on americas funniest video

Had that happen to me. Pretty funny actually. :D

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Just to add to this. I just did it with an Adrenaline. Took me about 3 minutes and gave me a good booze from the smoke coming out of the shaft after pulling the blade. :unsure:

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i can see the top bulge near the fuse point where the end of the tennon is, but i cant find where the shaft ends. anyone have a measurement around? will it come loose if i dont cut the paint around it?

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