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Berard on Roids?

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Nandrolone is the chemical name of Deca, which is a really popular steroid. I wouldn't really be suprised if more players come out positive with this...and other steroids.

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Could he be taking it for his eye, maybe helping a muscle in his eye grow to help gain vision? I dont know the science of it but that would be my guess, either that or he just wants to be bigger

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Not a bad thought, but I'm pretty sure I read that he admitted it was residual effects from supplements taken during off-season training.

What a lot of people should know is that most players do their weightlifting in the off season. It's really the only time they can get to commit to hittin the weights hard and gaining size and strength. You can't really do that during the season. Just too sore, too tired, and the risk of injury is too great.

Chelios trains with Rob Blake and Anson Carter in the off season in LA.

My guess...Berard was juicing in the off season and then had the remnants of the steroids in his system at the time of testing.

Also, roids can be taken just to improve overall levels of size, strength and repair. You don't necessarily have to lift and be on steroids.

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Not a bad thought, but I'm pretty sure I read that he admitted it was residual effects from supplements taken during off-season training.

What a lot of people should know is that most players do their weightlifting in the off season. It's really the only time they can get to commit to hittin the weights hard and gaining size and strength. You can't really do that during the season. Just too sore, too tired, and the risk of injury is too great.

Chelios trains with Rob Blake and Anson Carter in the off season in LA.

My guess...Berard was juicing in the off season and then had the remnants of the steroids in his system at the time of testing.

Also, roids can be taken just to improve overall levels of size, strength and repair. You don't necessarily have to lift and be on steroids.

Most players lift during the season now. Not heavily, but they do lift to keep their strength up. They generally lift on practice days and days off.

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Not a bad thought, but I'm pretty sure I read that he admitted it was residual effects from supplements taken during off-season training.

What a lot of people should know is that most players do their weightlifting in the off season. It's really the only time they can get to commit to hittin the weights hard and gaining size and strength. You can't really do that during the season. Just too sore, too tired, and the risk of injury is too great.

Chelios trains with Rob Blake and Anson Carter in the off season in LA.

My guess...Berard was juicing in the off season and then had the remnants of the steroids in his system at the time of testing.

Also, roids can be taken just to improve overall levels of size, strength and repair. You don't necessarily have to lift and be on steroids.

Most players lift during the season now. Not heavily, but they do lift to keep their strength up. They generally lift on practice days and days off.

Lifting for strength and lifting for size and mass are two very different animals. And somone looking to put on mass cannot seriously do so without dedicating proper time, diet, rest, etc.

Players lifting during the season, like you say, are only doing light training to keep strength up.

Every professional does their season training in the off season. Baseball players do theirs in the off season too. You just get too tight lifting, you can't swing a bat..or a stick for that matter.

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I say it's garbage and he should get in alot of trouble. I felt bad for him during his eye injury, but that isn't an excuse.

I say if he gets caught during NHL-NHLPA testing, then yes, lots of trouble. But he got caught during Olympic testing, so I think the punishment fits. 2 years no international competition.

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I think the NHL needs to step in and punish him harshly. The league needs to take a hard stance on steroids so it isn't looked at like the MLB is now.

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I think the NHL needs to step in and punish him harshly. The league needs to take a hard stance on steroids so it isn't looked at like the MLB is now.

The NHL didn't do the testing, the testing wasn't submitted to the NHL, and I think they would have their hands full if they tried to do anything.

It would be like you working for company Y but having an interview at company X. Company X has mandatory drug screening, you fail for something like weed, and somehow company Y finds out through a leaked source. Is it right for company Y to fine or fire you? Probably gonna have a big lawsuit on their hands if it does happen.

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Which substance did Ohlund get tested positive for a few years back? Is it the same one as Berard? I know Ohlund took drugs for his eye. I don't think Berard would've been any different since they both had eye injuries.

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Could he be taking it for his eye, maybe helping a muscle in his eye grow to help gain vision? I dont know the science of it but that would be my guess, either that or he just wants to be bigger

You don't get vision back after an eye trauma from popping 'roids.

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For those who think that rods would not help hockey players, you are dead wrong. They are used for a lot more than gaining muscle.

I am a typical adult hockey player in my lower 30's, a little (alot) over weight, but in decent arobic shape. I have good recovery between shifts. But during my shift toward the end I can easily feel my self get tired (like anyone) does.

I got pinched nerves in my shoulder so one way of treating it is by a Rx of a roid's, A small amount that you have to take for 2 Weeks. With in these 2 weeks you have to "ramp up" and "ramp down" because your body gets very addited to them.

I played 2 hockey games during this time, and for my out of shape (round is a shape I guess) They totally changed me. I did not get tired toward the end of my shifts. There was no muscle fatigue. And I played with a edge. It really was a "perfomace enacement" that is hard to explain.

So if you think that some hockey players that are on the "bubble" that have worked all there lifes to play pro hockey might not try something to help them you can not be more wrong.

Sorry this is a little off topic, And i don't really think there is a big problem in Hockey with roids but don't think that the players are above anybody else in pro sports. Roids can help with alot more than getting muscle.

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Roid's help no doubt.

Was/Is Berard one of those guy's who play's without a visor, and only after a serious injury starts to use one... (e.g. Fedorov, Sundin, Draper)

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Fellas, before we tar and feather Berard, please read the ENTIRE article.

It should be noted that the IOC was able to find Nandrolone in over 14% of muscle-building supplements it tested - all claiming to be "natural", "safe" or "steroid free".

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"I have spoken with Bryan and he expressed great remorse," said Ted Saskin, the players' association executive director, in a statement. "I remain confident that this is an isolated occurrence in our sport, and our new NHL/NHLPA testing program will demonstrate to our fans that the players' association and the league are focused on ensuring that our sport is free of performance enhancing substances."

He know what he was taking, there are no innocent victims in this day and age.

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I personally know a player who used to roid up in the summer for training camp, get off of it, then when he came back in the offseason he was way smaller than he was before he left.

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We're missing the point here

Athlete health !

Steroids have noticable effect on heart ; this 'pumped-up' heart has a noticable effect on brain vessels.

Do we really want a few 28 years old guys to die on the ice ? Like we saw soccer player die in Europe ?

Do we want a lot of 50 years old NHL vets brutally die with a brain attack ?

And more : those guys are pure models for the youngsters. I really dont want kid on steroid for their junior games.

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The guy only has one eye and needs all the help he can get. Its not like we are talking about a dirtbag here like Tucker or Avery or Peca who will use any extra gains to cheapshot guys or crush them through the boards. Berard doesn't really play like that.

Plus he was not on them during the NHL season anyways.

I lost alot of respect after he bolted from Toronto. He had a ton of support during his eye injury, told the team he wasn't going to play, took the insurance money, then decided to go back to the states after he was helped out so much by the city of Toronto and the team. Not exactly first class in my opinion.

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I can see your point, but dude, the guy had his eye knocked out!

He probably got depressed, wanted nothing to do with hockey, nonetheless Toronto, and wanted to just get back home.

Then when the eye healed, he figured he'd give it a try. Maybe he didn' want to play in TO because of psychological issues...like scene of the accident issues. I know people that won't use the same roads that they've been in accidents on cuz it brings back scary memories.

Only speculation. But I'll tell ya. The guy's got one eye and he's playing at a decently high level of hockey in hockey's highest level. Tells you something about his skill, that he can hang with the big boys with one eye.

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