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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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After school

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So after school is done for the day, I come home and never seem to know what to do. Usually i will go to sleep for like 2 hours, then get up and go play cards (texas hold 'em), do my homework, then watch some tv and fall asleep. In the summer though, im at the rink like everyday afterschool playin some pick up with my friends.

Im just curious on what everyone else does when they get home from school cause im getting bored of the same old routine.

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some days weight training

eat of course

play some guitar ,maybe jam

bus out to music stores

listen to music


hangout with friends

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I kinda forgot to mention that i have practice at 8.30-10.00.

School for me starts at 7:17 and ends at 1:42.

wow i wish it was like that here!!

we go from 830-320.

middle schools here go from 9:00- 3:55

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I sleep, waste time on MSH and play hockey.

Wish I could do that Sven

-Get home from school around 2:45

-Get a quick snack

-Hop on the computer for a little bit, check MSH, MySpace

-If it's Tuesday, then I have practice from 5:10-6:25


-If there's a game on TV, I'll watch that

-Shower around 8:30 or intermission

-Back on the computer til 9:30

-Go up to bed around 10:00

-Listen to my iPod before I fall asleep around 10:30

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diffrent most days some days just come home go on the comp watch tv, other days come home, comp for a bit then practice/game/reffing w/e i have that night. other days go to the g/f's house or she comes here.

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Depending on how late I need to stay at school, earliest I get home is 5:30, latest is usually 8:30. I'll waste about 15 minutes on the computer relaxing, have a quick meal, do homework till 11 or 12, go to bed. I miss highschool so bad, don't take it for granted!

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-School from 7:30 to 1:45

-Practice at 2:00 to 3:15 or Game at 4:00 or Gym on off-days

-Get Home

-Eat some food

-Hang out with friends

-Play Street hockey(Spring,Summer,Fall)

-Play Pond Hockey right down the street(If it ever gets below 40 Degrees)

-Go on the computer

-Watch some T.V.

-Eat Dinner

-Do Homework

-Watch a Hockey game

-Then go to sleep and the day repeats.

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Get off school at 3:20, praccy right after generally 4 - 6, get back grab dinner, do work from 7:30-9:30, workout from 9:40-10:30, snack, sleep. Beautiful

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School 720-220...

get home around 2:45, eat something...then

Monday, tuesday, thursdays have practice in the 6-8 oclock range with dryland...dont really do much but go to hockey on those days

Other days, work from 3-6, after go to a stick time if there is one every once in a while...then go to the gym on the non-hockey nights. Play tennis later that night or something like that or watch Center Ice on TV ;)

Weekends...saturday have hockey, hang out with the team, go paintballing in the morning sat. or sun....sunday usually have to work most of the day...and homework :(

I guess i dont really have set things to do. :blink:

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My schedule is messed up because 3 days a week have I class off and on from 10-3, and twice a week I only have it from 2-3. I almost always ride the elevator up with this huge lesbian softball player who always tries to talk to me about girls who live in our dorm. Then I usually just go back to my dorm, try to bleach my mind of gross thoughts of her, and play Xbox 360 or poker for a while. Go to dinner downstairs at the shitty cafeteria usually at 6. Then depending on what night is I'll usually just stay in or go to somebody elses room on Mon-Wedn, it just depends who comes over. Thurs and Fri I go out.

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7/7:30 - Wake up

8:15 - Go to school

3:50 - get back from school

3:50 till 5:30 - Chill and hwk

5:30 till 6 - Off ice training

6 till 6:30 - eating and simpsons,


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wake up at 800

School at 8:30

get off at 3:05.

Somedays games at 4:15, if not I sleep till supper.

Then after supper its either, tv, homework or hanging with the g.f or friends.

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2:30-Get home, eat

3:00-Either go shoot in the drive way, go to LHS, listen to music, play the drums or go on MSH

4:00- Homework/MSH


5:30-Go to dryland


8:30-Get home, wash, watch TV


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Come home

Eat/ go MSH/ then watch SC

Sleep for 60-75min

Do homework

Play street hockey or Vincent Lecavilier 21 day workout

Work out sometimes

Eat Dinner

Watch some tv

Go to hockey (not always at this time)

Then if I'm back from hockey before 9ish I go out and play some more street hockey with my neighbour

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School from 7:20 to 2:25 sometimes earlier if I decide to skip my 8th hour weightlifting. I get home at 2:40ish and I either do homework, talk to people on aol,go on myspace or come on msh. I might play some madden or go someplace with my friends. If I have hockey,soccer,football or baseball I go to that. I watch tv inbetween those things. On weekends I either go skating with friends or I go to the movies.

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