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Datsuk's deke on Turco

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I heard this deke was the crazyiest deke ever, but sadly i missed it and had no clue waht it was like does anyone have a video clip of it or even someone describe it in detial for me.


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I know that there were posts of it on CB, but not on here I don't think. Go to www.letsgowings.com/forums and search for it, there seems to be a new topic on it every week or so.

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It was a faked shot and a heel drag. Turco was out of position and overreacted on the fake. It was nice but nothing that anyone here couldn't do. Most people would have gone to the backhand after the fake and changed the angle even more than Datsyuk did.

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Couldnt find it on that wings forum, can anyone plz give me a link to the goal it sounds pretty good.

O ya Chadd how do u do a heel drag? I only kno aobut toe drags

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he put the blade in front of the puck and pulled it closer to his body with the back side of the heel of the blade. Try searching Google for it, I'm sure you will find a link somewhere.

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The link is shut down, dam! wanted to see that goal does anyone still have the clip? I tried google and all it was was newspaper arcticles and quotes from other players.

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It was nice but nothing that anyone here couldn't do.

mmm... I don't know about that. Maybe anyone here could do that move standing still cleaning up garbage, but Datsyuk was on a breakaway and going full speed at the time...

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Guest Datsyuk*13

If you read what Guerin said about it " if i tried that i would go right threw the boards"

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Guest Datsyuk*13

He had the whole net? Why would he chance losing it? Although watching Datsyuk he wouldnt lose it.

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It was nice but nothing that anyone here couldn't do.

mmm... I don't know about that. Maybe anyone here could do that move standing still cleaning up garbage, but Datsyuk was on a breakaway and going full speed at the time...

My hands suck and I pulled it off easily. It's a matter of having the imagination to think of it in a game situation.

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Sure it was a nice goal, but it wasn't that great. There is a lot sicker dekes out there than that. Turco made the deke look better than it really was.

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He tried that dumb move again the very next game on a penalty shot. I can't remember the goalie (I think it was Belfour) but the guy didn't even have to move to save it.

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Sure it was a nice goal, but it wasn't that great. There is a lot sicker dekes out there than that. Turco made the deke look better than it really was.

Juding from describitons, it really seemed that this deke is overrated and turo proably played the fake shot badly.

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He tried that dumb move again the very next game on a penalty shot. I can't remember the goalie (I think it was Belfour) but the guy didn't even have to move to save it.

Roloson from Minny.

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Usally really crazy dekes are caused by goalies over reacting, poor dats he shoulda let that deke be a 1 time wonder instead of using it again.

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Over reacting or not I have to say that was one of the best goals. Also very creative and takes guts to try. Some of you guys say you can do it but I doubt you can do it on ice at such speeds and make it look so nice, well everyone I know still thinks it was a beauty goal.

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the goalie didnt overeact anything either he just lost his balance when the move happened and tryed a little dive for a second effort that wasnt close. the move was not simply a fake shot to a heel drag he also through in a shoulder fake,then he did the whole thing on one foot,after the fake shot ofcourse.also the way he went after the move it is hard as hell to get the shot off. watch the video and try doing the same exact thing, i know ive watched it many times and tried it ive very few times actually got it off and made a half way decent shot after it. especially since you got to stay on one foot.

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