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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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best lhs in or around Dallas, TX

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I just had to replace holders on both of my skates (a month apart). The Players Bench didn't have the holders in stock, but had the rivets. The Star Center had the holders but no rivets. Once I got the holders together with the rivets the Players bench did a good job slapping them on. Cost about $30 per skate all together ($15 for a holder, and $15 for rivets/labor).

I don't think the Star Centers have the expertise, but I have faith in most of the Players Bench guys.

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That's funny because I had my holders replaced at Players Bench and the rivets started coming loose after a few weeks and had to take them back to them. I went Hockey Shop last year to get it done and they did a great job. Probably just depends on who is actually working on the skate.

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I'm not sure who it is exactly..but there is pretty much one guy at PB in Grapevine that does a real good job on things I need..if he's not there, I don't ask..

at the same time I've probably been treated best at The Hockey Shop on a consistent basis.

also was at PPHS today for the 1st time, pretty cool, they have an 85 Flex Kariya SyNergy RH in stock in case anyone is interested.

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Stars Centers suck now that my uncle is gone.

That was useful. Why is that, did he travel to every StarCenter to sharpen skates when someone needed their skates sharpened, or was he the one who held the good prostock sticks in the back to buy for himself, or to sell to "qualified" friends or customers? I've had good service there.

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I am getting the pitch adjusted and radius fixed etc this week at one place..will let you know how it goes..

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On a related note, anyone know a skate guru at any of these particular places?

There used to be a local guy who worked out of his garage. "Blades by Todd" (oddly, his name wasn't Todd). I'll look to dig up his info, but he was a master in all things skates sharpening and repairs. Had a near cult-like following. Although, I haven't touched based with the dude in several years (last I heard he was trying out for some minor league - don't know if he's still around somewhere or not).

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seriously, I would have given them to him last night, but I've games at 2 rinks on Tuesday and will be playing at the one closest to home

I don't think he lives in Addison anymore, but I've only skated with him for a few weeks...

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I would like to let everyone know that Players Bench in Colleyville, where I have been getting skates sharpened for at least 4 years, is now refusing to sharpen skates at a 5/8" hollow or shallower.

The guys in the store stated that the new manager won't allow any sharpenings shallower than 1/2" because dressing the grinding wheel for shallow cuts wears it down too quickly. Give me a freakin' break!

This little "cost saving" measure pretty much says it all on what I can expect from them for my hockey needs. I have bought gear from this shop over the years: high-end skates, gloves, sticks, blades, socks, tape. Now I won't set foot in the store again for anything.

I hope their 20% off "under new management" sale went well for them.

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A kid on my team said tha same thing, couldn't believe it. Peranis seems to be the best for getting sharpenind, but make sure it is one of the managers. Much better than the Star Centers. I can't say anything about Players Bench or the Hockey Shop because I haven't been there in a while.

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I would like to let everyone know that Players Bench in Colleyville, where I have been getting skates sharpened for at least 4 years, is now refusing to sharpen skates at a 5/8" hollow or shallower.

The guys in the store stated that the new manager won't allow any sharpenings shallower than 1/2" because dressing the grinding wheel for shallow cuts wears it down too quickly. Give me a freakin' break!

This little "cost saving" measure pretty much says it all on what I can expect from them for my hockey needs. I have bought gear from this shop over the years: high-end skates, gloves, sticks, blades, socks, tape. Now I won't set foot in the store again for anything.

I hope their 20% off "under new management" sale went well for them.

That is the worst excuse i have ever heard for being lazy. You may as well tell people your sharpener isnt working.

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On a related note, anyone know a skate guru at any of these particular places?

I like Jody at Peranis

He is good at sharpening, but he cut his fingers pretty bad, and couldn't sharpen for a while.

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is he (jody) the big bald guy? if so he was back there the other day when I was getting some sticks..pretty sure he was sharpening..

PB doesn't have to blow through that sale stuff, in the past they used to go and have big blowout sales in areas not lined with hockey stores. show up with truckloads of merch.

coming soon, pay by the hollow, ...aka..$0.47 per 1/16th of an inch..

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