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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm looking to replace my X-70 gloves sometime soon and was considering the following gloves:Dr Legends, Mission L-7s, and TPS HGTs. The problem is that I'd have to order L-7s unseen, and my LHS is out of HGTs and I haven't tried them on in a while, so I'd have to order those online as well. Dr Legends felt amazing off the shelf and they're at a pretty good price point but I was wondering how the L-7s and HGTs will feel once they are broken in. I've pretty much only used Easton/Eagle gloves, how does the fit of the L-7s and HGTs compare?


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I'm trying to decide what to have for supper. I had pizza last night and chunky soup for lunch. I tend to be a meat and potatoes guy but we're out of steak tips at home. How would I like it if I ordered out for steak tips?

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don't support the restaurant, go to your local grocery store (LGS) they are ones who give you recipies etc :P

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HGTs tend to fit tighter than Eagles. If you like the Eagle style fit, then the L7 isn't a bad choice.

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