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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another pair of One90's on ebay.

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"In the next few days, I should have a few more pairs up, so if this isn't your size check up on it in the next few days." :blink:

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$35 for shipping? Do they arrive by Hummer stretch limo 20 minutes after the auction has ended? I hate the way sellers rip off buyers on shipping. Pisses me off every time.

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$35 for shipping? Do they arrive by Hummer stretch limo 20 minutes after the auction has ended? I hate the way sellers rip off buyers on shipping. Pisses me off every time.

I feel the same way...to a point. if the item you are buying is worth $100. you bid it and buy for 1 and pay 99 shipping..that does not bother me...

Its the auctions that will sell an item for what its really worth, and then have an inflated rate for shipping...thats bugs the crap out of me...


are these skates coming from samples??

anyone ever buy that 1800 dollar pair?? wonder if he enjoyed his overpriced skate 3 weeks b4 anyone else...hope it was the best three weeks of his life..lol

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If you're going to put the name Supreme on it, at least keep the classic look that goes with it.

Apart from that, the skate looks pretty good. Even though the one70 looks much better.

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$35 for shipping? Do they arrive by Hummer stretch limo 20 minutes after the auction has ended? I hate the way sellers rip off buyers on shipping. Pisses me off every time.

I feel the same way...to a point. if the item you are buying is worth $100. you bid it and buy for 1 and pay 99 shipping..that does not bother me...

Its the auctions that will sell an item for what its really worth, and then have an inflated rate for shipping...thats bugs the crap out of me...


are these skates coming from samples??

anyone ever buy that 1800 dollar pair?? wonder if he enjoyed his overpriced skate 3 weeks b4 anyone else...hope it was the best three weeks of his life..lol

Off topic so sorry.

The reason so many inflate shipping is because e-bay charges based on what the product sells for, but does not take a cut of shipping costs, so they squeeze out as much as possible in the shipping to make max profit.

I know this because I was charged $26 for something and the shipping sticker had $8.42 on it, so I e-mailed about it, and he said that was why.

I did get a good deal on what I was buying, shipping included, but felt a little ripped off at the time, because of the $18 disparity in shipping charges versus shipping costs

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