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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The one90s in action!

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Or you could just watch an NHL game where one of the players wears the One90. Try the Calgary Flames as Jarome Iginla wears them.

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is this skate (or any for that matter)really that big a deal to watch someone skate in them...

I can see how knowing who uses what equipment may be of interest.. but to watch the equipment perform is irrelevant unless its in your hands or on your body. How you use it will be definalte different from how anyone else uses any equipment.

Now if this video was the only known sighting of this skate...and we wanted to see what the thing looked like, then it may be worthy to bring it up/./../.

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the only thing i can say is that "hey,the skates are on the good ol' prolite holders"..hehe

I'm pretty sure those aren't Prolites...I think they're E-Blade's or possibly Pitch's.

EDIT: I paused the vid halfway through. They are Prolites, my bad.

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they werent even one90sat least i dont thin they didnt have lightspeed blades on em :D and the deffantly dont look like pitch`s i dont know but im thinking they are one70s with some regular all white tuuk holders

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Obviously if you read the whole thread, they are One90s as worn by Jarome Iginla, who decided to take off the LS2 Power holder. If you look HERE you will know.

They are the old Pro Lites by the looks of em. Defiantly not Tuuks'

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