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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Baking

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I just got a new pair of skates (mission) and they fit great right out of the box. My question is, should I get them baked anyway? I would think that the heat from baking can weaken the outer shell a little, especially near the eyelets.

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I just got a new pair of skates (mission) and they fit great right out of the box. My question is, should I get them baked anyway? I would think that the heat from baking can weaken the outer shell a little, especially near the eyelets.

I am the same. I got CCM tacks about 3 or 4 months ago, and they can be baked, but I have not had them done, as they feel fine on.

I would suggest if they are fine, leaving them that way, but I don't know

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Agreed with above - if they fit well out of the box, I wouldn't bother. I suspect that the longevity of the skate will be better if you do NOT bake (I'm not basing that on anything - just a suspicion).

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I just got a new pair of skates (mission) and they fit great right out of the box. My question is, should I get them baked anyway? I would think that the heat from baking can weaken the outer shell a little, especially near the eyelets.

if they fit great now, dont waste your time and bake them.

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I believe Justin, the Mission guru himself, has stated that the Missions are designed to be baked and that there isn't any deterioration of boot that occurs from proper baking...aka right heat level and no tugging in the wrong direction at the eyelets.

Personally, while my S500s fit fine out of the box, I took them back and baked them after one game, and they fit that much better.

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I have new S500 skates and they fit nice, but the arch feels a little bit to high (i have flat feet). Do you think baking would help to make the skates fit better in the arch area?

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I have new S500 skates and they fit nice, but the arch feels a little bit to high (i have flat feet). Do you think baking would help to make the skates fit better in the arch area?

I have had to lower a arch before and after they baked them I stood in them for a min or 2 and it flatened the arch. But make sure you have a guy that knows what the hell he is doing.

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I thought that was a big no-go?! Did you do it when they just came out of the oven or when they already cooled down some minutes?

Maybe it would also help if i tape my feet to make them bigger in the arch area so that i will have more room in the skate after baking them?

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