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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton replaces 04 synergys wit SL's

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returned by synergip grip inter. modo on friday

called today and was told that they dont make em anymore and they replace them with sl's

lady gave me a choice of a 65 of 85 flex (inter or senior)

told her to get me a 65 inter sakic grip YIPEE!!

just letting u guys know what the warrenty replacements are now

very good customer service


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shouldn't it be ST's? i almost feel like going out, buying an intermediate synergy for cheap, then doing my best to break it for 30 days :D

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yea ur right

but they arent gonna raise prices because some idiots are just breaking them with hammers or w/e

If it means more warranty replacements (free sticks) are going out the door, then yes, they are going to raise prices because "some idiots are just breaking them with hammers or w/e".

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returned by synergip grip inter. modo on friday

called today and was told that they dont make em anymore and they replace them with sl's

lady gave me a choice of a 65 of 85 flex (inter or senior)

told her to get me a 65 inter sakic grip YIPEE!!

just letting u guys know what the warrenty replacements are now

very good customer service


Oh you mean to tell me they actually replaced your stick.....Mine was 2 weeks old and They asked how it broke I said one-timer and she said that was misuse. :rolleyes:

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I would have called again and see if i could get through to another employee over the phone. thats ridiculous for her to consider a one timer misuse

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Wait, wha!? Trucks? I gotta hear this...

To make it short, it involved a composite hockey stick and a pickup truck. I think you can figure out the rest on your own.

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i cant imagine the shaft actually breaking, because the truck would need to crush the shaft to break it, and that wouldnt happen unless he left the shaft under his wheel. running over the blade would definitely cause a break though. hope he used black tape :D

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back on topic....

assuming i break the blade on my sl in a few months or w/e

is it possible for me to send the shaft to someone to get it dremeled out

i tried cutting till the tendon was gona by myself on an old syn. inter sakic but it was wayyyyyy too short and not tapered (yea i f'ed it up)

id pay shipping both ways and like 10 bucks labor

just looking for options cuase i've heard about the durablitty issues with sl's

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It all depends on what they have in stock. I've heard that si-cores get returned as SLs, but I just got a stealth the other day. Apparently, if they don't have the curve and flex in stock, they just upgrade you to the next stick in the lineup.

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