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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got milk?

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For the people that like to train...and I mean TRAIN, how much milk do you drink? And what kind? Skim, 1%, 2%, whole, organic...what's the best? Thanks...

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What does this have to do with hockey? More Misc if you ask me.

Anyways I dont drink milk.

Hockey training...I dno...sorry?

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I drink 2% usually but I don't really care. At school I have 2 of those little cartons of milk and a fairly large glass of 2% at home.

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dairy is not good for you before a workout. basically, when it enters your digestive system, enzymes make it so that it can't pass quickly through your body, so it just sits in your stomach/intestines without getting digested quickly

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it is good for hockey though, the lactos

give you energy in the legs.

when your exercising a lot, sometimes mucles are Oxygen deprived, thus undergo lactic acid fermentation to make atp (energy). its not good for working out, but its good for your legs in game/practice.

iremember a while ago seeing a tsn tv clip of a young alfredson going into the gocery store getting some milk, and he was talkign to him self (or at the camera) that it gives you legs.

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I probably drink just under 1/2 gallon of milk (skim) every day and a half. With the exception of water, I think it's the best thing for you...

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Dairy products such as milk make an increase in mucus production, a few days before a game i will cut down, because it does help me breathe better, goats milk is a good replacement, but stay away from soya butter (urgh)

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Dairy products such as milk make an increase in mucus production, a few days before a game i will cut down, because it does help me breathe better, goats milk is a good replacement, but stay away from soya butter (urgh)

Milk does not produce mucus. Milk with it's high Lactose amount ( the less fat the more lactose is present) stimulates the first enzymatic reactions in the mouth. The resulting increase in saliva and predigestion of the sugar enzymes makes your saliva thicker. If you have an allergic responce to dairy then I would agree.

Milk is a great post recovery drink though. Protein, carbs, etc...perfect way to replenish glycogen in the muscles.

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I probably drink just under 1/2 gallon of milk (skim) every day and a half. With the exception of water, I think it's the best thing for you...

skim milk has way more vitamin D than normal 1% ot 2%

usually skim is at 1000-4000 units of vitamin d, where 1, 2% are at around 500.

too much of vitamin D isn't good for you

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Milk is a great post recovery drink though. Protein, carbs, etc...perfect way to replenish glycogen in the muscles.

I read in Complete Conditioning for Ice Hockey (or another hockey book) the best thing to drink after a game is orange juice within 20 minutes of getting off the ice.

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The thing is that Glycogen uptake is increased if it is accompanied by protein. Not too much protein. Accelerade, etc...use this formula. I find soy milk to be my favorite (just because I'm LI).

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Dairy products such as milk make an increase in mucus production, a few days before a game i will cut down, because it does help me breathe better, goats milk is a good replacement, but stay away from soya butter (urgh)

You actually listened to laurie? lol.

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Haha well yeah, half way through a game i literally couldn't breath, that guy is old and wise, so he knows his stuff (i hope)

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That wasn't even funny, plug.

Go f*ck around somewhere else.

don't egg him on, if we ignore him he'll shut up.

Nop, i prefer #94's way. Kinda rude but hey, i'm not here to be an ass or annoy anybody so i'll just shut up. Happy to see someone's there to tell me when to go f*ck around somewhere else!!

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I don't drink milk but i always try really hard to get some out of my girlfriend's tits. Never worked but i'll keep trying!

i fell sorry for her if she goes out with a guy who would make that kind of comment.

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