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opinions on 852 shoulder pads?

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Hi y'all. I taxed the limits of my abilities to search the site for information on these, and couldn't find any user comments on tacks 852 shoulder pads.

I am looking at picking some up and wanted to hear from those who have them, or who have used them, what they think. I will be using them in adult rec league, and think they should do the trick, but still would like to hear some personal opinions.



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Good protection is needed in adult no-check leagues against those guys who havent learned to stop or control their edges! :D

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Good protection is needed in adult no-check leagues against those guys who havent learned to stop or control their edges! :D

or sticks

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Grab some older Jofas if your worried about protection. They should be cheap. Also consider picking up a pair of the SherWood traditionalist pads, they should protect you from the bumps of a rec league. I wear similar pads (actually less shoulder padding in mine) in a highschool league and don't have problems.

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Thanks for the comments guys.

I am in need of new shoulder pads since my old favorites became unrepairable at the end of last season. Which is truly sad, since I have had them since 1980. I have been going without for the last three months, but have took a few to the back lately which got me thinking I should pick up some new ones.

I have seen the new Sherwood traditionals, and they do resemble the old boys, but I have a chance to pick up a new pair of the 852's for cheaper than the traditionals are in my lhs.

I am not in the market for an ultra protective pair, I am more in the market for saving money to spend after the game in the pub. The price is right. There is not much selection in the stores here for a guy my size (6'6"/240) and of the few pairs that actually fit me, the 852's win on price.

They feel considerably different though, coming from what I had before, so I just wanted to check and see what guys who own them think (or thought) of them. If I hear they have problems, I will continue to go without until I can get to a larger market. If I hear they do just fine, I am wearing them on Friday.

I would love to hear opinions from anyone who owns, or has owned, these.



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Good protection is needed in adult no-check leagues against those guys who havent learned to stop or control their edges! :D

or sticks

Or also guys with massive slappers and no control who tend to shoot into a crowd of people...ouch...

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Good protection is needed in adult no-check leagues against those guys who havent learned to stop or control their edges! :D

or sticks

Or also guys with massive slappers and no control who tend to shoot into a crowd of people...ouch...

I wouldn't say I have a MASSIVE slapper but umm, well, I have given people some "temporary tattoos."

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Get the 852's. The next best thing to Jofa protection. They'll give you excellent protection and their fairly light to boot. They sport the same protective shoulder pads as the newer Reebok shoulder pads and give you more than adequate PU padding in the chest, rib, shoulder and back areas. Their just one step down from the Pro Tacks and there's not a lot of features the Pro Tacks have that the 852 don't . Their a great bang for the buck.

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