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New TPS Stick?

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Last night the sportsnet announcers said that he was using a new TPS stick. He ripped a shot top corner and then the announcers made the comment about his new stick. They didn't say much at all except for that it was new. Bert may be using the same stick as his looks similar. I know he had a Response plus before. I'm not sure what stick this is? Possible the adrenaline control, but I could have sworn that Ohlund was using a stick that had alot of white on it, but it wasn't a XXX Lite. Anyone have any info on this? I couldn't find any pics.

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I thought I had seen some pics of Ohlund with an Adrenaline Control or whatever this weekend, I think in the gallery.

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There's one at the ACC. It's a Chad Kilger Game used.

It feels much heavier than the blue Adrenaline's. It's exactly like the one Ohlund's holding. Black w/neon green lining. 129.00 Cad

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There's one at the ACC. It's a Chad Kilger Game used.

It feels much heavier than the blue Adrenaline's.

It may not be a real adrenaline

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That's what I'm thinking, It was pretty heavy, I had that thought when I saw an all white TPS Genesis OPS made for J.Allison right next to it.

I have a McCarty Adrenaline Control and it's as light as any high-end OPS out there, with the exception of the XN10.

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That's what I'm thinking, It was pretty heavy, I had that thought when I saw an all white TPS Genesis OPS made for J.Allison right next to it.

I have a McCarty Adrenaline Control and it's as light as any high-end OPS out there, with the exception of the XN10.

Sticks can be repainted.

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thanks, that took like 3 seconds....i love this site.

Iggy would be similar to a Messier. Messier is in between Forsberg and Iggy I'd say.

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