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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm adding Be Delicious and Creed Green Irish Tweed to the mix.

Make sure you buy the Creed at Nieman Marcus or another reputable department store. Yes there really is a difference between the $170.00 stuff there vs. the $80.00 stuff at the outlet mall. And for god sakes, don't buy it off eBay- it's probably someones piss mixed with Stetson.

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I wore Paris Hilton one time, shes not really all that great...just kinda lays there w/o doing much. As much experience as she has appearantly had, I give her 7/10 with 6 of those points coming from her bod B)

:o OH WAIT!!! Your talking about the cologne!! My bad, honest mistake

Im sorry but worst joke ever.

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Im sorry ou dont have a sense of humor your allowed to have your opinions and Ill have mine. If I want to crack a smart a$$ remark about some snoby, rich, good-for-nothing wh*re who thinks she's God's gift to man I will. Cheers!!

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yeah, i was going to say oldspice smells like old man

That's right, Baby!

Urbane. Erudite. Smouldering. It's the Old Guy's secret for getting Stella her groove back.... ;)

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ewww old spice smells like burnd poop!! eww

yeah, i was going to say oldspice smells like old man

Haha, my great grandma always gets my dad old spice every christmas.

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