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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 609 bolt

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I have been using them for about 3 yrs and have noticed a couple of times now the bolt coming loose. I do just tighten it but now its starting to be in the back of my mind is it coming loose during a game. I have thought about lock tite but not sure if its a good idea. I have also toyed with the idea of getting tukks. Do tukks come loose as well?

Thanks Sid.

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Would you suggest locktite or tuuks? I have had ccm 652 tuuks before and liked them so I know what their like?

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Would you suggest locktite or tuuks? I have had ccm 652 tuuks before and liked them so I know what their like?

I would suggest the blue loctite if you want to have a cheaper fix then getting new holders/blades. It will do the trick if the bolt hasn't been overtightened and stripped.

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i have the 609's and i just keep a screwdriver in my bag, but one time i got them sharpened and the guys did something to the bold and it hasn't come loose ever since

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I know not to overtighten it but how tight should I do them?

Tighten them just enough to stop any movement or clicking from the blade. You shouldn't have to put much force into tightening the bolt so try using just your fingers on the screwdriver instead of using your palm for leverage.

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it doesn't come complely loose just so the labde wiggles back and forth. Yes that is bad read the post I tried it and seems to work.

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it doesn't come complely loose just so the labde wiggles back and forth. Yes that is bad read the post I tried it and seems to work.

yeah mine wiggles a little too. i know you can tighten it to make it not move as much, but i'm just afraid of overtightening it. it still moves around slightly, but not as much as it did before i tightened it. i guess i will try skating on it and see if it comes loose again over time. can you buy those bolts?

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but when tightening the blade put a clamp down where the screw goes in the blade just to stop the screw from rotating in the holder especially if the skates are old and the holders somewhat soft it can create the screw to move in the holder and just ruin the holder itself

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thanks guys for the help. i will try that out when i get home from work :D

edit: i took out the bolt last week and noticed that it looked a little rusted. most likely because the water got in there like jr said. i will try cleaning it out again and see if that helps.

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Well I used the blue locktite and they are still coming loose? It is just a very tiny bit but still. I am able to back and forth a tiny bit so it makes a clicking noise. I am startting to loose cofidence in my blades and I am thinking about getting tuuks on istead?? Did I do something wrong or are they starting to breakdown?

Thanks Sid.

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