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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Gagne=?

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Hi, seems Bauer will no longer be making the P10 - Gagne and I certainly can't find any RH P10s. Anyone know what is closest to this pattern? Recommendations?


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I used the SHannahan quite a bit when I started but afterwards I made the transistion to Thornton and then Sakic. Pretty smooth transistion for me.

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I've been using the Shanahan for 10+ years now.....then went to the P10....and now since BOTH aren't being made I've done EXTENSIVE research on this.

For me....the best curve I could switch to was the Drury. I know you're gonna say, "No way" the stats are no where close.

But trust me....pick up a drury and compare it to your P10....and more importantly use it and see how they feel similar.

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I used the SHannahan quite a bit when I started but afterwards I made the transistion to Thornton and then Sakic. Pretty smooth transistion for me.

Haha, i went the other way - Sakic, Thornton and now Shanny. Imight have to try the mission cole blades though. Any one know what the feel and durability i like on the mission l-2 blades?

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I've been using the Shanahan for 10+ years now.....then went to the P10....and now since BOTH aren't being made I've done EXTENSIVE research on this.

For me....the best curve I could switch to was the Drury. I know you're gonna say, "No way" the stats are no where close.

But trust me....pick up a drury and compare it to your P10....and more importantly use it and see how they feel similar.

Having tried both at different times, I can safely say that a transition from the Shanny to Drury would be anything but seemless for someone. Going from a toe curve to a heel, 7 iron curve is a drastic change.

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I have the exact same problem. I just bought 2 vapor XXX sticks in the P10 pattern. I used the sakic and was able to adjust ok, except the backhand isn't nearly as good. Any other suggestions in the Easton/Bauer line?

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I just bought a Vapor XV shaft and a P10 Gagne blade. This is not good news. Is Bauer done with shafts and replacement blades?

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I just bought a Vapor XV shaft and a P10 Gagne blade. This is not good news. Is Bauer done with shafts and replacement blades?

No. They just won't have that curve. Starting this year the p106 will adopt the Gagne name.

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I just stopped using the Gagne and Shanahans. I bought a Nike Bauer XXX LIte St Louis curve. At first my shot was noticably harder. I could not pass for anything though. ALl my passes bounced. Ittook about 5 games to get used to it. My last game I passed as good as I ever had. I would try one of those. That heel curve will let you shoot harder than the toe on the Shanny, or Gagne.

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