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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Pro Gloves

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Those are 14.5"--do they come in 13.5" as well ?

The guy at Pure Hockey told me they only come in one size - 14.5 inch

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yea they only come in one size, 14.5 - the BU gloves are so nasty, i wish my college was red and white , instead were navy white and yellow so i went with the white and blue.

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Just found THESE sorry if anybody was bidding on them i'll remove ASAP. Just thought somebody may be interested.

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So, after reading through the thread, have three questions.

One, purehockey.com is the place to order them, yes?

Two, how much were they running, including shipping?

And three, which store had the team USA / Montreal pattern?

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Go to their site. Look at how many stores they have. You go blanket all of them and be that one person.

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oh man those would be nasty with your teams colors, i forgot was this your SR year or was it last season, man i was on a team with red wing color schemed jerseys and some of the kids from previous seasons had BU schemed X70s, nasty gloves my man

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the state playoffs were pretty jumbled this year with most top dogs out early, but Marquette should take D-I, Cranbrook D-3, and im gonna guess Traverse City Central for the D-2 title

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Sorry to bring up a few day old thread but I just got these Easton Pro Gloves today and thought I'd share a pic.

I wore them tonight my roller game and they are sweet. A little stiff in the fingers during warmups but after bending the fingers to break in the plastic inserts, the stiffness went away.


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