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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Pro Gloves

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I didn't get them from Pure Hockey. A buddy of mine works for Easton and I got them through him. They are almost indentical to the gloves Jason Ward from the Rangers was using until his recent switch to Mission, except his palms were different.

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Sorry to bring up a few day old thread but I just got these Easton Pro Gloves today and thought I'd share a pic.

I wore them tonight my roller game and they are sweet. A little stiff in the fingers during warmups but after bending the fingers to break in the plastic inserts, the stiffness went away.


Wow...those are nice. Lock thumb?

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Thanks :)

I got them from Beyond the Mask in Peoria, AZ. Great service from them, BTW. I ordered them Tuesday and got them today.

And I love the black palms.....love 'em!

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The whole gloves them selves are just sick. Palms are amazing. How much did those run you if you dont mind me asking.

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