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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need a HUGE favor please!

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I found the TPS omega blade(its like 20.00) at greatskate...One problem...they dont accept paypal...If someone could help me out big time and use their CC (you of course not me) and have it sent to me and I can Paypal you the $$$ and a little xtra for your help that would be great...Just broke my PTC...:(



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I might drive out to Amherst this weekend. If I do end-up heading that way, I could stop and pick it up for you.

Unfortunately, I don't have a PayPal account, my offer may very well be useless. Let me know.

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when i saw the credit card number i was like HOLY CRAP

but i found out it was a joke nice one :D

Hahahahaha, i never tought people would bite.

Look what i received in pm: "whats ur first and last name again i could have sowrn u told em to me before but i forgot"

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I might drive out to Amherst this weekend. If I do end-up heading that way, I could stop and pick it up for you.

Unfortunately, I don't have a PayPal account, my offer may very well be useless. Let me know.

Pmed ya LKPT

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I felt my gut drop for the guy who posted the CC number until I realized it was a joke. :) I wouldn't even suggest PM'ing anyone your CC number.

3 Reasons Why:

1) The connection is not secure (no little lock in your window status bar), meaning that someone could sniff your network packet and steal your card #

2) Who knows what happens and who has access to your PM's

3) Who knows who you are sending your PM to.

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Couldnt you just pay for it with your CC then change the shipping to kovy's address then have him send you the money through paypal?

PS If this would work I could help ya out kovy.

Sure this works. greatskate will ask you for a billing adress than a shipping adress. I couldn't do it cause it looks like they don't accept payments from canadians.

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Hey, could you call your credit card company for me. I bought a bigscreen at best buy with it, but when I went back for the surround sound they told me the card was maxed out. You need to send them more money.

(sorry, couldn't resist)

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On a serious note, you know, you could always call them and ask if they will take a paypal payment. Occasionally I will have people call and ask and we do it for them, even though we are not set up to do it through our site. We just make a special order out of it. I will always take their money one way or another!

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comeon guys...please ONLY post if you can help me out ;)

PM me.. we can work something out.

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