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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To make a long storey short, I was putting a blade in my shaft this evening and it wasn't going in all the way so I decided I'd pull it back out......bad idea, when I pulled he blade out the shaft slide down and smeared some extremely hot glue on underside of my forearm. To boot I have a tourney tomorrow and now i have this very painful glue stuck to my arm.

Should i try to pull it off or should I just dose it with Solarcaine ever so often?

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call the WAAmbulance its not that big a deal, u could also find a shoulder to cry on

Could you possibly be a little more of a douche?

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well, when i started to try to pull it off, myskin was coming with it,

I guess what i wanted to know was if it'd be better to just leave the glue on till it falls off, or if i should take off the glue and go with polysporin and gauze

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you either need to pull it off yourself or go to the hospital and get them to do it. just don't leave it on your skin or you'll either get a rash or if worse an infection. run the burn over with cold water for 15 mins and then apply polysporin or burn fream if you have any around and change again in the morning

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just don't leave it on your skin or you'll either get a rash or if worse an infection.

tha's what I was worried about......do you think one day would make a difference?

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To make a long storey short, I was putting a blade in my shaft this evening and it wasn't going in all the way so I decided I'd pull it back out......bad idea, when I pulled he blade out the shaft slide down and smeared some extremely hot glue on underside of my forearm. To boot I have a tourney tomorrow and now i have this very painful glue stuck to my arm.

Should i try to pull it off or should I just dose it with Solarcaine ever so often?

yea not seeing the third degree burn part in ur post

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Not trying to be a dick here, but how did the glue get stuck to you? I've had hot glue get on my clothes, fingers, hands, and arms, and I just let it cool and it came right off. What kind of glue were you using that made it stick so much to your arm?

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To make a long storey short, I was putting a blade in my shaft this evening and it wasn't going in all the way so I decided I'd pull it back out......bad idea, when I pulled he blade out the shaft slide down and smeared some extremely hot glue on underside of my forearm. To boot I have a tourney tomorrow and now i have this very painful glue stuck to my arm.

Should i try to pull it off or should I just dose it with Solarcaine ever so often?

yea not seeing the third degree burn part in ur post

there is no way it's a 3rd degree burn guys... if it was you wouldn't be sitting here wondering what to do.. you'll be in the hospital crying your ass off. your skin is cooked not burned if it was 3rd degree. hot hockey glue is like putting hot candle wax on your skin and weirdos do it all the time.

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I've had that happen before but it was on my wrist.....I pulled it off and ran some cold water on it for a while and it felt better the next morning.

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it was soo hot that it basically fused with his skin

that's it

Do you really think I'd post a topic asking for help about a burn similar to candle wax?

I went and spoke to a pharmacist while getting suppplies and they told me I should go to the hospital. My wife thought that that was a good idea as well so off we went. When I finally got to see the doctor, they told me there wasn't anything they can do without removing it via surgery. they sent me home with polysporin and gauze. I'm pretty much suppose to keep it moist and covered and wait till new skin growth develops underneath and pushes it off, unless of course it starts to get infected and/or pussey, then i need to go with option A

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yea not seeing the third degree burn part in ur post

there is no way it's a 3rd degree burn guys... if it was you wouldn't be sitting here wondering what to do.. you'll be in the hospital crying your ass off. your skin is cooked not burned if it was 3rd degree.

My bad, I just did a google search on some def'ns

I have a second degree burn not third, It is red, swollen and blistered

Third degree invloves all layers of skin

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I wondering how much you heat your shaft up before inserting the blade... I usually take away all the glue that spills outside the shaft with my fingers, and nimble it into small glue-balls and trow them in the trashcan.

The is no way I could ever get a 2nd degree burn from the hot glue, just intrested in how you do it (changing blades), and hope you recovered enough for the tournament.

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I was trying to get a senior blade out of a junior shaft (someone elso did it, can't see how he got it in in the first place) Anyway had to heat it up for liek ten minutes, once i eventually got it out got i got a big lump of glue on the palm of my hand...Couldn't close my hand properly for well over a week

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Dude, you're using way too much heat if your doing damage like that to your skin with the glue. Anytime I’ve replaced a blade I can touch the glue right afterwards, it’s hot but it cools down almost instantly and it peels right of without causing injury.

As a side note, put some aloe in the fridge and use that on the burn. It works really well.

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