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Shinpads - Inside or outside?

How do you wear your shinpads?  

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Hey guys I was browsing through yet another thought-provoking MSH Thread and it made me start to think of some of the unique things about the way that I suit up before a game. One thing that is kinda different is that I always have put my shinpads outside my skate tongue, although I think my behavior might be in the minority. What about the other MSH readers? What do you guys do?

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Yeah even looking at my own question I'm realizing it's not totally clear.

Ogie: Are there any advantages to putting the shinnys on the outside? Like I've always put them on the inside out of habit, but I really think it's easier to get dressed that way. Maybe it's just cause I'm used to it.

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LOL I thought mine always wound up on the inside because I was too lazy to hike them up to get at my laces. Maybe I'm a lazy person doing it the hard way cause i'm stupid.

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I started out wearing my skate tongue over my shinpads (so "inside"), but lately I've switched to putting the tongue under the shins ("outside").

I used to put my skates on after my shinpads, now I put them on before, is more or less what it comes down to. I haven't noticed any huge difference in ankle agility, and I haven't taken any shots off the low shin since, so I can't say whether it's more or less effective--the major reason I did it is that I have skinny lower calves and it helps keep the shin pads on tight if I put as much material under them as possible. :P Of course, I'll probably need to get new shin pads anyway since my current ones are a little shorter than I'd like for putting them on the outside.

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I wear my shin pads tucked inside of my tongue (tongues out). It is more comfortable that way and I feel that I have better flexibility in my ankles.

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In the old days the socks/leggings had stirrups on the bottom that required you to put on your shin pads and socks before your skates so you had no choice.

Good thing about them was you socks never rode up on you...

Bad thing was if your skates were almost too small or you liked them really tight the leggings could have it tougher to get your skates on.

As for this new trend of the shin pads on the outside... IMO it offers better protection, now you have the shin pad covering more area to protect from a skate or something.

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I also used to wear mine under the tongue but now have them over the top of the tongue of my skates, but mainly because of the difference in shin pad sizing between brands. I used to wear 16" bauer shin pads that sat behind the tongue of my skate nicely, and didn't restrict my ankle at all, but when I bought new Jofa pads the same size they were too bulky and came down too far with my knee in place properly, so I was forced to wear them over the tongue. It hasn't effected my skating at all, so it hasn't been a problem for me. One thing I have noticed though is that the tongues on modern skates don't seem as protective as the older models, so having a longer shin pad covering further down seems to be a good thing to me.

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IntoGear: Hey I can't believe this but even as young as I am I can remember putting some socks on like that back in the day. I think they had straps that went under your heel or something like that. Maybe that's why I took to wearing the shinnys outside my skate?

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