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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Practice Your Dekes

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Top left corner is money for the first 20 seconds or so for those who need help. Most of my scores have been around 30 or 35 seconds.

EDIT: New best is 47.406, gets real fast after 40 or so.

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286.562 seconds. Previous best was 200.553

I have a screenshot, but screenshots are so easy to doctor there really isn't a point to posting it. (plus I don't have anywhere to put it.)

You all must have slow computers, that top left corner is only safe for the first 11 seconds for me.

My advise is to just relax and not concentrate too hard. Kind of a Zen thing.

I'm using a cheap HP mouse. Pointer speed set all the wat to fast. Enhance pointer precision is ON.

I'll have to try this tonight at home with my Razer mouse.

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if you already havent found out the cheat Listen close!!

right after your first move go to the top left thatll buy you a few seconds.

Now right click and go to properties

a little window will appear and now dont press anything. (you may be able to minimize the game and carry on looking at another website)

now as long as you can be bothered just keep it there. then when you go away just either crash into a blue or keep going.


Any questions just PM me

P.S. i dont have any patience and had to find a way to get a good score :lol:

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if you already havent found out the cheat Listen close!!

right after your first move go to the top left thatll buy you a few seconds.

Now right click and go to properties

a little window will appear and now dont press anything. (you may be able to minimize the game and carry on looking at another website)

now as long as you can be bothered just keep it there. then when you go away just either crash into a blue or keep going.


Any questions just PM me

P.S. i dont have any patience and had to find a way to get a good score :lol:

If you need to cheat on something like this, you really need help.

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if you already havent found out the cheat  Listen close!!

right after your first move go to the top left thatll buy you a few seconds.

Now right click and go to properties

a little window will appear and now dont press anything. (you may be able to minimize the game and carry on looking at another website)

now as long as you can be bothered just keep it there. then when you go away just either crash into a blue or keep going.


Any questions just PM me

P.S.  i dont have any patience and had to find a way to get a good score :lol:

If you need to cheat on something like this, you really need help.

not really. i was just posting because there will be people out there that would want a better score and would want a way to make themselves get to 30 secs etc without effort therefore i tried to help. and for the record i dont need help and i would rather you wouldnt comment in such manner on a topic like this. it was a light hearted post and you come out with something like this. In future i think you shoudl think twice about posting such nonsense.

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BINGO! That's why I didn't post screen caps. I was only able to hit around 26 seconds without cheating and seeing those monster scores someone posted told me there was a better way. I figured out the right click trick pretty fast. (I'd guess anything too much over 30 is faked.)

I showed the right click trick to a couple of my co-workers and they were messing with everyone by putting up monster scores when most couldn't crack 20.

Is it lame to cheat, no. I approached it as a puzzle and found a creative solution (the right click trick.) Then I went for a more complex and elegent solution. I hacked the source code and edited the rules. I changed how long it took for the squares to speed up, and changed the multiplier so the seconds actually accumulated slightly faster. Then I had the people I showed the right click trick to watch me play. I was pulling 30's when only keeping it alive for 23-24 seconds. When they tried on their computer, things were much harder B)

I was pretty impressed with the way the game is built. No flash or shockwave, just straight code, and pretty simple code at that. It looks like he never finished it. There are lines of unused code that would have allowed people to submit their scores. He must have figured out the right click trick and decided there was no point recording scores.

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i managed surviving for a whopping 0.016 seconds! naw i tried losing super fast. with cheat i lasted 1142.171 seconds with the cheat :D

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