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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ultralite flex question

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Is it true that the ultralite feels stiffer than other sticks at the same flex?

Im thinking of getting a 110 flex ultralite with a 6 inch extension what will this feel like as it should be less stiff due to the extension.

At the moment im using a 100 flex z bubble with a 6 inch extension but thats a little to flexy for me.

Will the ultralite work for me?

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I've had 100 flex UL shafts and 100 flex z-bubbles and the UL's feel stiffer. I'm guessing the z-bubbles feel flexier because of the taper.

I recently picked up a junior UL shaft (55 flex) and a couple sherwood 9950's (stamped as 85 flex) and they feel about the same. (for inline)

I was beginning to wonder if the 9950's were really closer to a 55 flex but this thread leads me to believe that the junior UL shaft is closer to an 85ish flex.

No definite answer for you but hope this helps.

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My friends 85 UL feels stiffer also. More like a 90-95

Are you comparing them (in flex) againist a tapered shaft or ops vs a standard shaft? If so IMHO a standard shaft will always feel stiffer due to taper on a ops or tapered shaft. But adding a but end will allways add flex just like cutting a stick down will always stiffern it up!

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