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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rounding my blade toe - suggestions?

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I think I'm going to try to round the toe down of one of my Shanahan blades. It is an easton ultralite. Anyone tried this yet? Any suggestions as to how or if it will wreck the blade? Will I need to epoxy it once I'm done?

I was thinking about using a dremmel tool with one of the cutter attachments to do the curving and outlining the toe with a bottle or a cup of the right size.

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chances are, you will ruin the blade. you risk cutting through the composite (i believe you are talking about a comp blade) and exposing the foam core.

if your blade is wood, then forget my comments

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It is a composite. How would you know if it has foam in it or not?

If I'm happy with the toe rounded, I will need to do it to some z-carbs I just bought from sh67 and a couple wood blades I have. Obviously I'm not too worried about the wood blades, but what about the z-carbs?

I probably will do this to a wood blade first, but I don't want to do it to any of the composites if it will ruin the blade.

Also, anyone seen a stick where the top of the toe is rounded and the bottom is squared?

Oh, and no bench grinder.. I do have a jigsaw but that seems too much. Any other suggestions?

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Also, anyone seen a stick where the top of the toe is rounded and the bottom is squared?

Easton's Retail Gaborik looks almost like this on my friends Stealth.

The Drury pro t-flex blades I had were kinda like that.

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On the side I run a business where I repair composite hockey sticks and blades. Rounding the toe yourself with any tool (Bench Grinder/Dremil/Jig Saw) WILL expose the core of your blade and more than likely ruin it. It can be done, but I would suggest finding someone to do it for you.

From the repairs that I have made, all Easton Blades have a Foam Core.

The other thing about shaping your toe is that you have to keep league/association rules in mind. USA Hockey rules in reguard to blade shapes require that there are no "sharp" edges. Stops it from becoming more of a weapon than a stick already is...


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I would definitely round it off, and since I'm not even in a league right now it's not a huge concern. How much could I round it down without hitting the core? Would epoxy (sanded level to the blade surface) keep the blade intact once I had rounded it?

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Off topic, stickfix, How do you repair blade?? If i have a blade that is getting soft(because of a crack) can it be remake to his original stiffness?

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Off topic, stickfix, How do you repair blade?? If i have a blade that is getting soft(because of a crack) can it be remake to his original stiffness?

CobrAA, Yes, they can be fixed. I can't discuss the process as part of my contract.

PM or send me an email if you have ?'s


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I would definitely round it off, and since I'm not even in a league right now it's not a huge concern. How much could I round it down without hitting the core? Would epoxy (sanded level to the blade surface) keep the blade intact once I had rounded it?

I can't discuss the repair process (contract), but I have seen posts where people have used many different things....Calk, fingernail polish, epoxy, among other "home" remedies. With the amount of blade you are talking about removing, exopy might not hold it together. You could try it...

If you are serious about rounding the toes, send me an email.


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Also, anyone seen a stick where the top of the toe is rounded and the bottom is squared?

Easton's Retail Gaborik looks almost like this on my friends Stealth.

The Drury pro t-flex blades I had were kinda like that.

My TPS messier is kinda like that...

RbK Pronger has a squared top and rounded bottom

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not to hijack the thread. but i was wondering what the next closest TPS pattern is to the Forsberg? the company i am dealing with has a great deal on Response plus but they dont have the tckuck pattern. which i think is almost a clone. i tryed using the Pattern DB but im just not sure what they all look like.

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thats ok reading sucks B) but does anyone know how close the messie curve is to the iginla? or if it isnt close at all?

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As I've heard the messier is close to the Iggy, sort of between that and your Forsberg. However, it's a deeper mid, and a 6 lie...

im mainly worried about the 6 lie. ive used forsberg/modo forever and this will be my first time changeing anything. how big of a curve are we talking hear also? if anyone could help me i would greatly appreciate it.

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Also, anyone seen a stick where the top of the toe is rounded and the bottom is squared?

Easton's Retail Gaborik looks almost like this on my friends Stealth.

The Drury pro t-flex blades I had were kinda like that.

My TPS messier is kinda like that...

RbK Pronger has a squared top and rounded bottom


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Also, anyone seen a stick where the top of the toe is rounded and the bottom is squared?

Not exactly square, but close:


And, for everyone's reference, it's a Smolinski pro, matches exactly one of the Chelios patterns:



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In the top pic it looks like the toe is slightly open at the top and in the bottom pic is looks like it is closed. Which is it? That looks like a good pattern.

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Sorry for not clarifying, the bottom pic is from the bottom of the blade. Yeah, the toe is slightly open, as seen in the view from the top. I just picked a few of these up, but I'm liking them so far.

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