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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new vapor stick ?

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i just got the new hockey news and there is an ad for bauer sticks and the stick all the way to the right is a color ive never seen and vapor is written all the way at the top if any one can help me find out what it is thanks

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Are those pro sticks? If so, 77 flex for a pro stick?! I'm pretty sure that's the XXX Goalie stick, Mike_The_Goalie can confirm this I'm sure. St. Louis' stick though, wow, it looks so small compared to the others

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Are those pro sticks? If so, 77 flex for a pro stick?! I'm pretty sure that's the XXX Goalie stick, Mike_The_Goalie can confirm this I'm sure. St. Louis' stick though, wow, it looks so small compared to the others

I figure some of them are, but the 530g weight on that 77 flex stick seems like the weight of the vapor V but that is for a SR stick which throws me off even more because the int. weighs even less. No clue...at this point. Any other guesses guys?

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Are those pro sticks? If so, 77 flex for a pro stick?! I'm pretty sure that's the XXX Goalie stick, Mike_The_Goalie can confirm this I'm sure. St. Louis' stick though, wow, it looks so small compared to the others

I figure some of them are, but the 530g weight on that 77 flex stick seems like the weight of the vapor V but that is for a SR stick which throws me off even more because the int. weighs even less. No clue...at this point. Any other guesses guys?

77 isnt intermediate as of now..

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