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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ok so are coaches b-day is coming up and hes pretty cool. I was wondering yas got any ideas. Hes french canadian and was part of the red wings if that helps. I was thinking maybe "how to speak english for dumbies". Any ideas? Shirts? Books? Food? Anything?

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French-English dictionary

Blackhawks shirt/hat/mug bonus points if you put his name or number on it

tell him you were going to make some poutine but it made you sick

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For christmas as a team we got our coach a Charlestown Chiefs shirt (slapshot), and since hes scottish but doesn't drink i got him a whisky thermos flask

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For christmas as a team we got our coach a Charlestown Chiefs shirt (slapshot), and since hes scottish but doesn't drink i got him a whisky thermos flask

Whos Your Coach Nick23?

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At our last HS tournament we got our coach a present.. Search "Great American Challenge" in google. He didnt really appreciate it.

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At our last HS tournament we got our coach a present.. Search "Great American Challenge" in google. He didnt really appreciate it.

I looked this up in school, my teacher wasnt to happy, nice though

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For christmas as a team we got our coach a Charlestown Chiefs shirt (slapshot), and since hes scottish but doesn't drink i got him a whisky thermos  flask

Whos Your Coach Nick23?

laurie white

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