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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Olympic stick found

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Rob Mclean said today that players born after a certain date have to wear visors.  Kinda like the rule in the World Juniors where players that aren't 18 have to wear cages.

Yeah, this was the case in the World Cup last year as well.

Does anybody know what the cutoff date is?

Decmber 31st 1974

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Going back to the original post:

(1) Which warrior stick is that?

(2) Any chance something like that will show up on eBay or any stores? I would LOVE to get a Warrior with the Canada paint scheme.

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After reading, I would imagine that the sticks are just repainted Mac Daddy's, Dolomites, or Starskies. The story of Smyth's Canada Starskie seems to prove it.

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Judging as none of the Inno sticks from the 2002 Olympics and WCOH showed up in stores, I doubt these will.

Can't repaint a Starskie more than it has been already. The stick will weigh like 800 grams with the amount of paint on it...

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Judging as none of the Inno sticks from the 2002 Olympics and WCOH showed up in stores, I doubt these will.

Can't repaint a Starskie more than it has been already. The stick will weigh like 800 grams with the amount of paint on it...


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